You think MK ultra was about dosing people with LSD and using electroshock therapy? Or putting illuminati symbolism in Lady Gaga music videos? All misdirection. "Official documents" put forth by FOIA say that MK Ultra failed.

>oh, we were never able to create sleeper agents who could be activated by saying a random string of words, tee-hee!

That's all bullshit. Why do they need sleeper agents to be activated when they can assassinate people in a thousand different, untraceable ways? The real goal of MK Ultra was mass mind control, and contrary to popular belief, it was UNBELIEVABLY SUCCESSFUL.

MK Ultra may have subdivisions of research, but its primary method of mind control is video media. Why? Because out of all forms of media (text, audio, pictures, etc) video media has the most powerful effect on people and groups of people. From now on I will refer to video media as "movies", but it includes TV, advertisements, ticktocks, etc. Research has shown that when different people read the same thing, they can form VERY different opinions. However when different people watch the same video, they usually cluster closer into forming similar opinions.

1) Humans are unable to distinguish between reality and movies. Everyone will say they can because they don't want to sound dumb, but our brains did not evolve to process movies. We literally think they are real unless we consciously make an effort to separate them from reality, which basically no one does because no one thinks that we think movies are real. In fact if you tell someone this, they will probably mock you for being low IQ or something and being unable to understand that "it's just a movie, man".... Yes, you probably don't think that Thanos is out there cruising the universe for the infinity stones... but...

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Other urls found in this thread:

2) SUBCONSCIOUSLY you absorb all the behaviors and attitudes of protagonists in films. Human beings are evolved to emulate people who are socially successful, wealthy, beautiful, etc. This is an evolutionary survival strategy because it works in real life. If you emulate how Jeff Bezos behaves (in that he's a cut throat, megalomaniacal asshole who crushes competition and isn't afraid to literally take what he wants, who studies people's flaws and exploits them for his gain, etc) you will probably be successful. Or if you emulate your local business owner with a great work ethic who works 7 days a week and focuses on nothing else than his business, you will probably be successful. But what do movies do? They present you with a fictional character who is usually very socially acceptable. The problem? You will try to emulate this FAKE BEHAVIOR which fucks you over in real life.

I'll use women as an example, but men also are vulnerable to this (though less). Sex in the city was legendary in how it turned an entire generation of women into 45 year olds with no husband or kids, bitter, angry, psychotic, addicted to wine and prescription pills, and hateful of the world and of men. This tv series shows women 4 very socially successful characters bounce around New York high society, fucking chads and living their dreams and doing whatever they want, and in the end it WORKS OUT FOR ALL THE CHARACTERS. Therefore women decided to emulate this "successful" behavior and it ruined their fucking lives.

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tldr made for BWC

What about for men? Men might look at someone like Tony Stark and think that it is realistic to be some kind of super genius who can solve anything instantly and create anything they want. Or they might look at someone like Vin Diesel in fast and furious and think that it's good to "never back down from a challenge" or shit like "muh friends are muh family and they always come first". These things are NOT true in real life, but many men believe them because they have subconsciously absorbed "successful" social behavior from movies.

3) Movies can do this to you because they literally create false memories. MOVIES CREATE MEMORIES IN YOUR HEAD, THAT ARE NOT REAL AND NOT BASED UPON THE RULES OF REALITY. Once you understand this, you begin to realize how fucked up everyone is since everyone consumes like 50+ hours of media a week. People spend more time watching video media than they do interacting with real people, which means that people have MORE FAKE MEMORIES THAN REAL ONES. This is not good.

Think about what is happening with black people. In real life, reality, no one fucking likes black people. They are dumb, dirty, loud, disrespectful, violent, will steal, etc. and literally are a nuisance to be around... but why is everyone so sympathetic to them? Because MK Ultra has created false memories in your head about black people. EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON you see in media is some doe-eyed Daniel Kaluuya type retard who is soulful, resourceful, noble, kind, can do no wrong, and is a victim of white racism. EVERY SINGLE black person you see in advertisements are basically white people with black skin. Black people are portrayed as angels in media and they are never morally corrupt and if they are it's because of what whites did to them.

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FAKE MEMORIES about blacks have been put in everyone's heads, which is why liberals (most people) cannot see reality and push for more diversity, more immigration (only from black and brown nations though... weird). Everything literally believes that blacks are only down because they are oppressed by whites, due to fake memories, why is why everything is so fucked up right now such as universities removing SAT score requirements and such.

4) Niggers. I think that black people are the most targeted and most affected by MK Ultra. This is probably for many reasons (blacks have lower IQ, easier to trick, easier to convince, they also don't read anything and all their information is obtained through video media). Black people are literally trained by movies/tv/advertisements to react negatively to white people, or anybody, for the slightest perceived infringement on their blackness or for one iota of perceived racism. In real life, if someone accidentally says something that offends you, you just ignore it and continue on. Yes, what they said might have been rude, but if you flip your shit people will just think you're a retarded dumbass who can't control your emotions, is childlike, and can't be trusted with serious matters where people need to keep their cool even if something offensive is said... which is what literally every single human being thinks of black people in 2022. If you say anything that is even remotely perceived as racist/offensive to blacks in real life, they will flip their shit and challenge you. This makes people hate black people, and black people were mind controlled into doing this by repeated viewings of "socially successful" black people in their false memories created by movies. Black people WERE NOT ALWAYS LIKE THIS. They were always dumber and more violent than other races, but this new social aggressiveness where everyone has to walk on egg shells around blacks is NEW.

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You keep posting this over and over, both here and r/conspiracy but you're missing a thesis.

So what? What does this mean to me? Most of us here already know all of this, it's old news. Tell us something we don't know, make it relevant. Not just copying and pasting your same shitty MK Ultra synopsis. It's actually less informative than just reading the Wikipedia article on it.

So tell me, what's your point, OP? Make a real statement.

5) Women. I think everyone here understands what MK ultra has done to women. It makes them hostile towards men, unhappy (because in reality, 95% of women will not be more happy with a career than they would be mothers and married to a decent man), and single and childless well into their 40s.

>but this is impossible to do

Not really. Very few people can ignore or filter out the delusions of mass media entertainment. 1) Because they are literally never exposed to genuine conspiracy theories and don't have a critical thought process 2) they are too burdened by the grind of life to think about this kind of shit, so they just go with "the flow".

Well, MK Ultra controls "the flow". 5 libtard media companies control everything, and then there's fox news. Fox news only exists as a ping pong paddle to hit the ball back to the liberal media conglomerates. No real ideas or perspectives are ever discussed on Fox, it's all just reactionary and inflammatory. It is completely useless as a thought vehicle and traps people into being passive viewers of the MK Ultra agenda. It just exists to catch all the people who weren't caught by Disney, CNN, MSNBC, etc.

This all really started taking off in the 60s (when MK Ultra was started), but it hasn't gotten seriously ridiculous until about 10 years ago. Social media, "binge watching" streaming services, etc all kicked this into over drive. Watch a video of someone talking from the 60s, 70s, even 80s. They sound clear headed and "one" with reality. Now look at someone talk now a days, they literally sound like brainwashed delusional retards BECAUSE THEY ARE.

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tldr faggot

Quit watching tv

shut up homo nigger this is a rare good thread

at least OP is putting some good work in, ty op for not being faggot

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nippon, gibs pussy reparation

tldr faggot

Isn't an answer.
You're an idiot for thinking but... is a convincing argument.

Sometimes it’s good to see it put coherently. Not that presenting this sort of information would ever be remotely acceptable to most normies, no matter how academic its all phrased. Even for my own mind it’s nice to see it put legibly.

either newfags or bots. fucking kys

god damn why are threads with even midwit level iq so rare, I mean I get why, but for gods sake Why

captcha: AYAARG

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Holy smokes a real movie just flew over my house!

even if they do, you are not even top 10 on the list.

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What do you think Televised sports was created for. It's the original MKUltra programming.
But boomers and the like still watch it in mass, getting mind fucked, subconsciously being programed. The acceptance of niggers came about with televised sports.

>most people here already know this
nigger most people here are either bots, well poisoning rabbis or newfags

Hi guys, I just wanted to drop a reply on the daily MK thread

So people mimic Thanos if they perceive him as being strong and successful?
We are on a great way to get our next gen Hitler guys!

>Most of us here already know all of this
yet, I bet the majority of men here still watch televised sports.

>op watches a good movie with millions in production
>oh no no no I’m not going to fall for your MKULTRA

Yeah we know most of this already but some new person or youth does not and this does sum up the situation quite well.

This was unironically a good read, at first I kinda huffed and was a little hesitant to read this, but it's pretty much why I stopped watching television when I was 12-13 (I'm almost 25 now). It feeds you a false narrative of the world and it turns everything into a Good vs Evil battle.

>So what? What does this mean to me?
Agreed. It would be interesting if OP could explain why, if the last 10 years have been due to mkultra, it took off alongside cell phone social media and barely at all until then. Why, if professional sports is so bad, are zoomies (who hate pro sports) so much more fucked up than older generations? What is the goal of mkultra? Why does the government benefit from random woke-themed mass psychosis?

OP would be better off reading "Surveillance Capitalism" than whatever shit he's been into.

>wah wah wah the world is evil and full of fools
babby's third eye just opened and now he's CWYYYING
if your were vibrating at the right frequency you wouldn't even care, you might even relish it because you would transmute their poison into nurturing wisdom.
for those who don't want to read.

So, how do I convince about 50 high-IQ people into funding God's plan?