Be me

>be me
>bottom teeth are worn down, wanted to get fillings or veneers done to fix them up
>go to dentist
>$300 for mandatory examinations
>now that I've done the mandatory exams, i'm allowed to consult with the dentist
>dentist refuses to perform treatment unless i go through his treatment regimen of replacing my existing implants and getting braces to straighten my teeth perfectly
>tells me my teeth are going to fall out unless i do this full treatment plan
>tells me this will cost $15-20k but I should pay for it to save my teeth
>says if i can't afford it to borrow from my family or friends
>appointment ends, go to billing office, see star of david in the corner of the office

Are all dentists lying Jews? I just want a simple procedure done on my teeth.

Attached: lapexa.jpg (588x670, 136.34K)

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Brush your teeth

just go to the dentist jfc

If you're over 40 just pull them all and get dentures. Two thousand bucks and you'll never have to worry about them again.

I didn't brush my teeth and had perfect teeth still
Dentist says to assistant "people with Smooth teeth like this just don't get cavities, watch this"
Takes hook pick think
Scrapes the shit out of the back of my teeth
Now have cavities where he scraped

Yes, they go in the oven.

eat cheese. toons of cheese. and look into implants as a failsafe. besides, whats wrong with body modification. we take medicine and are fine with it. eventually we're gonna take the life extension soon too which will be mrna shit

dentist chipped my front tooth when I was a kid. couldn't do anything about it.. they don't go in the oven though, no way to repent. glad you're not in charge.

My brother in christ that shit was inevitable

Yeah, dentistry is completely kiked.
Some chink dentist tried desperately to get me to replace one of my back molars that got cracked by the pressure when my wisdom teeth came in.
Something like 5k for ONE TOOTH.
I could go to fly to Mexico, stay for 2 weeks, get the work done and fly back for less.

go to a chinese dentist

Dentists detected

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Go to another dentist. Your implants are probably fine, if they are not, you aren't going to be able to replace them. I went to a dentist (a jew) and he quoted me a ridiculous amount for a sub standard remedy. I went to another dentist, a non jew, and I got a much better quality treatment for much less money. These fucker will lie right to your face. BTW what are the political implications of this?

Into the oven Chang!
God damn were going to bed more ovens

dentistry is a pseudoscience. beyond basic shit like pulling teeth and stuff, it's a bit hazy

if you want to replace every crown you have on your implants then yeah it's going to be like $600/900 per tooth. in the UK they would just do tooth extractions and give you dentures

OK Biden!!

recently had that done in the us and it was a little under $1900 with x rays and everything

also I bit of that went toward teeth whitening because I figured why not do that before I put in a fake tooth so it color matches better

>Are all dentists lying Jews?
Nah. I saw a korean dentist, even in a wealthy part of town. I had a cracked molar. After a little clean up, nothing special, got the remainder of the tooth extracted, and one other tooth filled, after having not seen a dentist in over a decade. Nothing fancy. It was a few hundred all said and done, and I was never bothered about any additional procedures. I just continued to see the office twice yearly for check ups. Paid out of pocket.

Simply put, get a second opinion.

>lmao just put solvents on your teeth bro

i don't trust american dentists cause they full on sedate their patients just use local anesthesia

Attached: de.jpg (720x1146, 337.35K)

just go to mexico and get it done, faggot. Better yet, go to my country. It costs 1k tops. So many overseas viets go on vacation home just to see a dentist.

a few weeks ago an user linked a video here about a mouthwash made with baking soda and trisodium phosphate that users claim can reverse tooth decay
just mixed up mine today so i have no feedback as of yet

Same shit happened to me. They are fucking psychos with that pick.

>If you're over 40 just pull them all and get dentures.
are mutts this retarded? if you brush your teeth and dont drink soda all day you can keep your teeth healthy to 60 at least.

lol the n95 can't even form a seal over his kike nose

>Dentist says to assistant "people with Smooth teeth like this just don't get cavities, watch this"
literally shit that never happens. even glazed porcelain with glass surface (like in your toilet bowl) will have biofilm on them on its way smoother than your teeth.

stop making shit up

I drink soda
Never brush
And never had a cavity

Just got 2 fillings today. Took like 20mins. No pain other than my face being numb for a few hours. 100 bucks out of pocket. Best off, dentist is a young guy who doesn't make small talk or bullshit around. Don't have to say shit when they're working on you. Not sure what they bill my insurance but normal exams are free. Just get a fucking job or your own dental coverage, shit is cheap.