Does money buy happiness Any Forums? Or is it just a jewish scheme?

Does money buy happiness Any Forums? Or is it just a jewish scheme?

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Money can't buy happiness, it can only rent pleasure.

Hell yeah it does and never let these poor faggots lie to you.

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I can tell you what it can buy

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There's diminishing returns. Having a small house is much better than no house, but adding on a 7th or 8th bedroom isn't going to make much difference.

Yes, yes it can

This is bretty gud, fren.

Wow Andrew isn’t posting one of his multiple astroturf threads

Money can buy a jetski doe deadass skkkiiiirrrr

It can buy me a Japanese sports car, close enough

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jewish scheme

people like hunter biden are the proof it doesnt. but being a poor fag is also a pain in the ass.

It can buy me a boat. It can buy me a truck to pull it. It can buy be a cooler iced down with silver bullets.

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Money just enhances who you are. If you are a happy person money will make you happier. If you are a miserable person money will bring you fleeting happiness, then more misery. If you are asshole, then money will make you more of one.

Money does buy happiness, assuming you don't do evil shit or seek completely unsustainable pleasures. Money buys happiness for good people.

It buys food and shelter, which you will be very unhappy without. It helps accomplish goals and buys things that make life easier. If you have enough money you no longer need to work, which buys you freedom. At a certain point it becomes less important because the gaps between the amounts of money needed for those things is significant. You can make a decent amount of money and buy a house, car, and lots of material possessions but still not have enough to not need to work

Money can't buy contentment which is one of the fruits of happiness. So money cannot buy happiness. The only true happy and satisfied people in this world are the ones who are not living for it.

I see more joy in people who are living in poverty than the people who have wealth or who are living in worldly comfort.

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It buys security, which allows you to relax, and from that situatuon you find happiness

Once your needs are met extra money does nothing, that's why they set up this consumer driven economy. Watch The Century of the Self it's a pretty good normy friendly doc.

Yes, it can make you happy, but only when it frees you from working, and lets you do what you want whenever you want, without responsibility. Having a high paying job on the other hand doesn't.