At some point, you're going to have to pick a side

At some point, you're going to have to pick a side.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>A fucking leaf

remove the filters on the left

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There is no side that represents my interests

You picked the West and do so over and over every day you don’t go back. Many such cases…like Xi’s daughter. Do you think Stalin would have ever let his child live and study in an enemy capitalist country? How pathetic is that?

Okay MIGA tranny

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I choose Europa.
There are more paths than meets the eye, white man. Behind the thorns. Reject the false dichotomy, embrace the Awakened Occident.

Attached: europa.gif (400x225, 1.26M)

i already have

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Gay sexy america is still winning.
The rest of the world looks at the video though VLC and go. GodDAMN america is a magical place.

Then they get here and have to deal with Republican fat asses bullshit. And then they go OHHH. and understand why america is the devil.

I didn't even know the vid on the right existed but some chinks across the planet did. Kek keep consooming our trash, it will never end up on my front step

I side with Israel


meanwhile in china:
>There are more LGBTQ people living in China than the entire population of France—over 65 million individuals
>Popular Chinese gay-dating app Blued, has also reached an astronomical scale of more than 22 millions users in china, usurping Grindr to become the most-used dating app for LGBT worldwide

I chose the mountains of West Virgina, where I can sit and watch the world burn.

Canda is a fucking memeflag now.

Look at all this mutt cope

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We don't claim ownership of this fag.
we're not all bad, pls let me in so I can buy guns ameribros, I just want to have fun again

sauce on the nigger video?

Make sure you donate to his bail fund
>this is America

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>A fucking mutt

We need a comparison of Lil Nas X and Zelenskyy videos.

Are you Xi’s girl?

It's the same thing

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I choose to hope the world burns ASAP

>lil nas x
should have known it was that faggot nigger

when I saw this video the first time some days ago it actually creeped me out

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>my jews are better
>NOOO My Jews Are Better

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Same fucking thing lol we may look at different sunsets but the fake world looks the same everywhere

Eu flags dont post as many slide threads as you fucking faggots.

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The side which benefits Israel the most of course.

Why is it that there is so much CCP bullshit propaganda today?

Do the cocks have to be censored? can someone uncensor them for me pls? thx in advance.

if we even get an ethnostate it's going to be retarded and superstitious.

the chinkreaf ate his dog before having sex with it and now he can't have sex tonight, many such cases. sad!

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the leaf is right faggot

Checked lmao

The right side represents your interests of democracy, freedom, and liberalism.

You do know the Chinese will castrate and sterilize the non-hun when they consolidate power. Oh wait you're probably from Toronto, so you do know cheng.

Yeah i pick antijew, which includes chinese faggots that utilize maoist beliefs for guidance. The difference between chink society and western society should only go to show how shitty non-whites are. Especially if you look up the last time china has actually invented something instead of stealing it from the few whites in the US. Not as bad as the faggots with melotin but youre still closer to jiggerd than whites