COVID was preparation for ww3

So imagine for a moment, tankies and intel services come to the conclusion that a major war is inevitable / unavoidable. They know Russia and China are going to move on Ukraine and Taiwan, and that they have already put such plans into motion. Our intelligence services have it on good authority that the godless Chinese are working on weaponizing particularly deadly strains of viruses as a contingency for the inevitable conflict they cannot win conventionally. So the western governments, in preparation for the coming conflict, and armed with the knowledge of the bio-weapons threat, its decided that we get ahead of the Chinese bioweapons by exposing large portions of the population to similar type viruses that may confer immunity and prevent the effectiveness of any bio weapon and deter that future attack. If you're the Chinese and you were sitting on a contingency plan to release a weaponized SARS or Pox virus, suddenly now the population which you intended to release it on not only has large scale potential immunity, but a huge logistics network of vaccine roll out and production infrastructure, contact tracing, and lockdown procedures. In short, your contingency plans are rendered way less viable. The western nations who are in the "know" make big presentments about their ability to vaccinate and lock down their populations as a "readiness" statement to allies and the Chinese. Were western governments just preparing us for the upcoming war by removing a weapon from the Chinese arsenal?

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C’mon intelpol. Where are the analysts at tonight?

It does seem likely that there is some aspect on both sides of showing off that you can take a biodefense hit and stay standing. Hopefully neither side feels confident in winning a MAD scenario and that button doesn't get pushed. I'd call it WW4 though. WW3 is a guerilla information war with a large variety of factions and we are fighting in it right now.

Ngl this theory did cross my mind too. I still think the birth of the atomic bomb changed everything... front lines of war have also changed

Imagine thinking the people in charge are this capable and well meaning. You must have gumdrops in your skull.

if covid was actually cool and killed a lot of people and was very threatening to human life this theory would kind of be sick. However, Nothing happens and really lets be honest the whole circus is just everyone being incompetent and just frankly not very clever, these governments are just plundering cartels of incompetents, they arent playing a really cool game of risk

Attached: David-Reich-400x400.jpg (400x400, 18.32K)

It just seems, that if there was good intel that the adversaries were preparing an attack, a pre-emptive exposure and vaccination campaign would render these plans totally moot.
And of course all the evil pharma companies, and corrupt politicians had first knowledge and contract on it, thats the way the world works. But its a far better explanation than some de-population or pure evil hypothesis

The whole point was that the covid that was released wasn't deadly, and the vaccine roll out was a show of industrial might in defense of such bioweapons. It was a way to pre-empt an actually deadly bio-weapon to prevent its release, without directly hitting our adversary or exposing our intelligence networks in their country.

My opinion is that bad elements have captured our agencies completely, and released a bio-weapon in the form of a vaccine. There are of course hold-outs, but the battlefield is softened some.

I’ve considered this but I believe the consolidation and conditioning was the point. There is a geopolitical aspect to all of this I just can’t say it’s exactly as OP says. I personally don’t want to say that I know what I’m seeing because I don’t and I don’t believe we do either but something’s amiss and I’m open to theories

but that doesnt make any sense

yeah good luck beating Russia and China with a bunch of fag and tranny soldiers

This is what i'm getting at, if this wasn't all genuinely a blunder, there is a geo-strategic angle at play here. A pre-emptive deconstruction of a potential bio-weapon contingency plan being concocted by our major adversaries fits the bill.

Yeah, there’s some there there. Even ramping up production on certain materials and funding hospitals on top of being able to sustain your population under conditions where they have to avoid public areas and work best they can. They’re waiting for the public to say we’re at war, they won’t until we do.

How so? Censorship of dissent proves my point. The release of bio-weapons is tricky, with potential for collateral damage. The rollout of a bio-weapon in the form of a vaccine ensures protection from friendly fire and widespread delivery. COVID is just a set of symptoms backed by a faulty test.

Trips of truth

Anons said this since day one. It pushed people out of cities and forced them to become preppers. It was basically some "tough love" from Uncle Sam to whip us into shape for the hard times to come. Same with inflation. They are teaching us to do more with less and focus on important shit not just eat chips and Taco Bell every day. WW3 will happen the summer of 2023 i think.

Also why use MRNA? It makes no sense to use an unproven technology as a countermeasure.

As I said, the contracts went to the companies because big pharma works directly with gov and deepstate, so of course they got the contracts, just like boeing and ratheon get weapon contracts. The pharma companies wanted to test their new tech, and they got the green light to do so.

MRNA is just the new weapon/anti-weapons platform the industry professionals forwarded.