Here is the last president who wasnt a total clown

ever since old bush obama has been the only president not caught in crazy scandals and make the us look like a joke.

>clinton: adultery
>bush: 9/11, cokehead
>trump: reality tv star, 700 ex wives, infidelity, sexual assault
>biden: demented old man

Attached: Official_portrait_of_Barack_Obama.jpg (800x1089, 133.33K)

I miss both Obama and Kobe
Damn the Iranians!

Obama was charismatic and a skilled orator but you are a damn fool if you think that is what a good president is.

Big Mike identified as a Male on federal documents until 2007

All Presidents have flaws. He had fewer than anyone in my lifetime.

Bush and Obama literally had the same policies lmao

he's the main reason federal agencies are so shamelessly corrupt. don't get me wrong it was bad before but nothing compares to what obongo did

Guess again fag

Attached: E5C9DFF7-6B14-48DE-9D1B-E0103A8AE07A.jpg (474x266, 23.38K)

>a nigger
Good one
Here's the actual last non clown

Attached: bush_profile.jpg__1000x1503_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg (1000x1503, 66.01K)

Another slide thread by another kike. Fuck that nigger and his tranny husband. Furthermore, fuck anyone who thought he was a decent president. I'm willing to bet you're a newfaggot zoomer, but we'll never know because....

Iranian Helicopter enthusiast here,

I'm sorry.

>Continued Iraq and Afghanistan and I think started a few more - Obomber
>Made propaganda legal to use on the American public

hillary cilinton officials illegally voted obama into office, were convicted and went to jail.
the cia and fbi are terrorist organizations aiding and abetting the massacre of americans

Obama is a gay pedophile from Kenya whos married to a tranny but his scandals get swept under the rug because of his connections.

His cabinet and the CIA assassinated the head of a foreign country after selling US weapons to (((Syrian rebels)))

Wrong, faggot.

Attached: Bt_esPQCUAIvRSj.png (600x455, 316.97K)

You are five feet tall, brown as a turd, butt ugly, live in a hut and are from a country name "YOU'RE A GAY". it figgers you like him

Obama presided over America during china’s great technology theft of American manufacturing and defense industries.

that motherfucker was hooked up with the mob and he was a total clown

>if if if if if if if if if if if if if okie doke

Biden so far is the best because when you call him fake you are right

>took full time jobs
>cut them in half
>cut benefits
fuck off, user

how does it feel to wake up stupid??

>Mit Romney warns that russia is a rising enemy
>obama says "the 1980s called and want their foreign policy back"

>> Section 8 housing Vouchers bringing crime to middle-class America

>> Hired James Comey so Hilary could be protected