Every western country turns 99.99% native white overnight...

Every western country turns 99.99% native white overnight, but we go back to 16th century social hierarchy and you become a serf for native European nobility. Standards of living also go back to 15th century levels, but at the same time all plastics disappear, and all your clothes and food becomes created from natural sources.
Would you make this wish?

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Fuck no

ya, I got nigger fatigue bad


sure but only cause my bloodline is well off during this time.

im naturally a 99.99% IQ with chad physical body so I would rise to the top of the king's court.

promise me i'll never see another nigger again in my whole life?


Only if I could somehow know that we'd avoid a dark future, otherwise I'd stick with the present if it were just a matter of repeating events.

fuck yes

what a fantasy to think about

Haha, it's a fantasy-themed thread, user.

nah, people were relatively nigger tier and still falling for the christcuck meme. Germanic tribe days I would consider.

As the jester

>muh dark ages
shitty try, kike

>Go back to working 6 weeks a year instead of 80% of my waking time
What's the catch?

what I’m talking about is way before the “dark ages” user. you actually don’t know history.

you didn't remove knowledge of technology. we'll be back to semi-conductors within two decades.
you also didn't remove knowledge of liberty and freedom so America patches itself back together in a year or two. France may take a few years longer.
you also didn't remove already existing weapon systems. we'll be fine.
BTW, thanks for giving us an excuse to purge those annoying leftists, fags, and politicians. did you remove the Jews while you were dreaming up this idiocy? maybe just exile them all to Israel?

Of course. Anyone who wouldn't is part of the problem.

Knowing were all the gold, oil, and treasures of antiquity would be priceless.

Who are the nobility?