Work from home needs to end

I am sick and tired of these software code monkey leeches moving into rural areas and voting Democrat. Elon was right. This needs to end.

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>Elon was right

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I want it to end for everyone except me.

What does it matter if faggots pretend to work at home or pretend to work at an office??

>software code monkey leeches
They all live in India user.

They’re not going to end remote work. Commercial real estate will just have to cope

They stay in their cities, vote in their own cities, and buy land in their own cities.

>Never worked from home
imagine bringing back home some work. How much of a pathetic failure do you have to be? Once I leave the office, my workload and my worries about my work stays there. That's how you live a happy life in modern society, faggots.

>Needs to commute because he cannot mentally differentiate work from free time
Damn sucks to be you lol

block all pepe posts

I'm not majorly concerned about it but that's a good point

nice cope enjoy your commute

I get paid to post racist content online.
Fuck you.

Commercial real estate is suffering too. I'm seeing it first hand.

Work needs to end. Civilization needs to die.

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Mt province increased its population but the equivilebt size of its 3rd biggest city last year alone.
Its a rural farm, fishing & tourism economy and now suddenly its being filled up with urbanites trying to build condos and housing developments and ethnic businesses. House prices doubled within 2 years
It's been a disaster


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The vast majority probably aren't dems. In my experience, every single one I've met has been red. Then again, I moved to a historically red state, so maybe we're self selecting.. perhaps the remote workers that somewhere in california or colorado are blue.

You can’t pay me enough to make me go back.

this image is often used by shills. Very often. Just ignore them. They can't seem to find a new pepe.

>Not enjoying a daily bike ride to work
Holy shit, you nerds really need to be taught how to enjoy everything in life? kek, kill yourselves.
>Inb4 you're poor
I also have a car and my bike's worth more than your shit car.

You can give that up. I'm not a dev but all of us in the comp sci/IT fields are never going back. Sorry you are a dumb nigger that can't get a work from home career. I say career because what I do is my career. I make shit tons of money and start drinking after lunch. It's kino as fuck. As soon as covid hit I knew it was finally time. I'm never going to an office again. offices are for morons that can't get a work from home career.
>Cope&seethe faggot

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