DNA is fake and gay

plain and simple: there isnt enough computing power to decode the human genome much less link you to anyone beyond a couple of generations..

>muh mitochondrial DNa

Yeah .... not possible..

Dna testing does nothing but allow you to become enslaved to a money making scheme in which you pay to dupe yourself into giving up your identity and most likely your legal and assured inheritance.

Dna was a scam to stop amerimutts from asking about the thier vast wealth owed through both colonial and indigious intemarriages..

>b-b-but i was linked to (insert long dead king or ancestor)

oh yeah.. did they dig that (insert long dead king or ancestor) up and take a bunch of genetic sampling?

FUCK NO.. imagine thinking you would get a usable sample from centuries old tomb or grave?

youre an idiot.. and this type of "science" relies on you being an idiot, and millions of other idiots

every person has going 15 generations back has 32,768 gr-grandparents, roughly that point in which the novus orbo was discovered.. ... please dont sit there and try to convince me none were negros, jews, or (insert race you dont like here) ! YOU cant..

all of the human race is a MUTT! even you swarthy fucking Europeans and blue black mother fuckers from deepest of all jungles of Africa.. all are MUTTS (and that's a good thing) mutts are better, smarter, and stronger..

just as diversity in plant-life aids in overall plant immunity and pest control..so does a diverse pedigree. DId not our havenly father fashion us from the ground? Is every grain of sand beaten by the wind and water the same element or a multitude of microscopic

and diverse minerals?

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your mom would definitely recognize my DNA

>Low-education, low-earning, low-socioeconomic status rural person thinks science is bad and fake


> every person has going 15 generations back has 32,768 gr-grandparents
Can you show us that math

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DIe under the wall of runes faggots

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Ya there’s basically just
Humans niggers and abos
But kikes might be Neanderthals

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Ive just told you.. dna complete and utter bullshit..

It's a fake it till you make style of science: nothing but bullshit and speculations.. Darwin proved himself wrong with the simple Peacock fowl...

if the foundation is shit...

im gonna break it down for you in simple terms...

When the mystic clan drafted declaration of independence and the US constitution* they gave you 3 pillars.. the "pursuits" of Life, Liberty , and Happiness..

(an amalgum of doctrines penned by scholars, occultists, saints, kings, religions, chiefs, etc etc etc.. )

>sounds great right?

WRONG! rarely is there an example of sound structual integrity with only 3 supporting pylons or pillars...

>w-w--what is the 4th pillar user?

"TRUTH" is the 4th pillar

America (the America on paper) was established by an occult obbsessed, reactionary society, of which consisted of an amalgam of Merchants, Lawyers and the Illuminati. They aimed to establish a distance between themselves
and the ruling elite European powers ..

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>every person has going 15 generations back has 32,768 gr-grandparents
what, do you think DNA ought to be 32,768 times larger because you have 32,768 ancestors, you do realize only half of your DNA comes from a parent, you basically have the same amount of DNA as your parents

i have a doctorate and i can assure you at least half of "science" is just a bunch of fabricated fake data sets.

>i have a doctorate
You do not.

I personally don't even believe computers are real so I always knew DNA was bullshit.
I know math is bullshit.

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Yeah, as a wizard, I can confirm that the former user has no doctorate. I conjured a truth spell.

>b-b-but i was linked to (insert long dead king or ancestor)
This kind of linkage is established through family trees, which have been kept and assembled by humans on paper, not by computers.

There's a phenomenon called pedigree collapse. Since the number of humans alive today is more than all humans who have existed previously, it becomes quite likely, that a hundred generations ago, you are genetically linked to some person of note. It doesn't take genetic sampling from "tombs" to establish this, it's just a fact of mathematics. Doesn't require computers, doesn't require a genetic sample, it's just the logical situation that arises when you have millions upon millions of people descended from a few thousand

And all this tldr post is based on what exactly? Your stupidity or ignorance? Fuck, you mutts are stupid

>there isnt enough computing power to decode the human genome
user, I...

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no shit sherlock!

Does someone pay you to be this retarded?

>medical breakthroughs

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so you admit that your OP is dogshit, thank you.

and you admit you have no reading comprehension is complete shit

> plain and simple: there isnt enough computing power to decode the human genome much less link you to anyone beyond a couple of generations..

What do you mean "decode", and before you answer, how many projects have you worked on that run on datastores with >100Billion records?

So, do (((they))) randomly release prisoners because of "new DNA evidence," to keep the "charade" going? Do they flip a coin when doing paternity tests?

>be journalist
>make a shitty/retarded post
>screen cap your own shitty thread where everyone calls you an idiot
next day:

The most hilarious scam of all time is “DNA evidence” in court.

Lol. Check flag. Of course.

DNa is a faith based system that people have chosen to fail unto submission to..

that alone aspect alone SHOULD make it irrelevant in any court situation..

the technocrat/communist involved with the cogs and components of this type of science should be a dead giveaway of it's portents and purposes

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Any evidence that a typical jury of peers cannot understand shouldn’t even be allowed in court.

yes! this!

Smartest american.

Have you ever extracted, weighed, or sequenced DNA before?

If yes, what did you learn that led you to the conclusion that DNA sequence analysis is flawed?

If not, what the fuck do you know? Literally go to your closest University, find someone who looks like they know what they're doing and ask where you can find the researchers in charge of their sequencing equipment.

It's just the same as allowing a shaman or medicine men full power and authority over a fair trial..

people have accepted the "science" of DNA as the new religion.. we have given our rights over to illegal courtrooms and the Technocrats who bought them all off slowly over the past 2 centuries

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