Political ideology

>political ideology
>religion affiliation
>your honest opinion on polygamy?

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we have de facto polygamy rn

Just wanna grill but jews won't let me grill and Hitler would have let me grill
All of them. Everything.
I can see the appeal but I'd prefer one perfect wife to many good ones. Then again would be easier to have many child with many wife

>your honest opinion on polygamy?
Self-inflicted hell. Most men barely tolerate the bullshit of one woman, why multiple?

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Christian. It's a good thing, but unattainable with the current liberal culture. Even Muslims are not doing it as much anymore unless they are very wealthy and high status.

Believe in God, hate organized religion.
Personally completely against because I actually fell in love with my husband so I'm really jealous and want him for myself. A lot of men seem to be okay with the idea of being in relationships with women who don't truly love them.
I'm not interested in controlling other people even if I think they're weird.

>about 2 dmv appointments away from being an anarchist, right leaning
>no religion, like bible, also like drugs
>sounds great in theory. but have you met women? if you can pull it off then great. but youd need land and tasks like spinning yarn and churning butter to keep em busy otherwise they will talk and fuck with you. i wouldnt know if i should have a bottom bitch as they say, or to treat them all the same. women need hierarchy, so you could imagine they would fight each other for the position. and knowing my taste in women that will get bad

as long as they were not genetically contaminated and there is no subspecies mixing then it should be fine. treat them well though, each woman needs a considerable amount of love.

not my problem

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I got engaged last year, wedding happening later this year. Right after we got engaged, my fiancee and her best friend started hanging out more, and when they drink they started getting more and more handsy with me. At first I'd laugh and push them off but the second time it happened i decided, fuck it, and took them both to the bedroom and railed the fuck out of both of them. We've all three been friends for a long time and I've been with my fiancee for 7 years now so I was worried I fucked up. But apparently as long as its with her best friend, she's 100% down to have threesomes. Idk why her friend is so down to clown but man, we've had a few more threesomes since then and the sex has been fucking amazing.

We joke about her being my fiancees sister wife now, but it's becoming less and less of a joke lately as she's been coming over so often she almost lives with us now.

Not sure how to continue this. I love it, but for her friend it really is just sex for me. I only love my fiancee.

There is no circumstance where I'd be okay sharing my husband like that. Absolutely none.

>liberal culture
Not my problem

Sandnigger shit so it's bad

If you can afford 4 wives and keep them happy&satisfied, go ahead.
The trick - women are never happy&satisfied, especially with 3 other bitches around

>There is no circumstance where I'd be okay sharing my husband like that. Absolutely none.
Why do you think she's ok with it? Maybe she isn't threatened by her? She knows I won't leave her for her friend, i suppose.

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Read William Tucker on Polygamy

Polygamy leads to a shortage of marriagable women.
Marriagable women shortage leads cousin marriages
Cousin marriages leads to genetic disorders, sexual assult and rape, female oppression, and cultural tribalism.
All these things lead to violent low trust societies.

Polygamy is barbarism.


It sounds like she isn't threatened by her, but that wouldn't make a difference to me. I would feel deeply betrayed that he could actually do that with someone else, actually if she was uglier than me it might make it worse.
I don't want to say she doesn't care about you because I can't make that judgment (plus that's rude lol), maybe she just doesn't feel the possessive side of love? Or maybe she really can separate sex and love (I can't).
Ive been with my husband for 8 years, since I was 19, and he was my first real love. Maybe it's the intensity of those original feelings that makes me feel this way.

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>political ideology
Slight militaristic society, with strong borders and rule of law.
>religion affiliation
I believe in an all power creator God, it's a feeling more than knowing, obviously, i also think 'Gods' exist, but it's a question of definition. At what point does a being become powerful enough to be defined as a God?
>>your honest opinion on polygamy?
I think it can work, in the future it will anyway. Might aswell, see as women want to share all the 'top' guys. Although i don't understand how it can work, i mean, surely possession is part of love? I don't get the people that say 'if you love her, let her go' I guess it's a case of thinking of her first.


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>women are never happy&satisfied, especially with 3 other bitches around
thats why you play them off of one another for your approval.


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The way it went down:
>her friend and her watching a movie at home and drinking
>her friend starts getting handsy on her
>she laughs, then starts getting handsy on me.
>her friend starts getting handsy on me
>I looked her straight in the eyes and said "are you REALLY alright with this? We can't undo it" and she instantly got 10x hornier and basically lept to the bedroom
Idk. I didnt propose or plan any of what went down, it was mostly initiated by her and her friend. Her friend is a little uglier than her but does have a nicer body. Maybe her mutt face is why she's not threatened. Or maybe it's because she knows our personalities would never mesh for a relationship.


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it's usually because the wife wants some extra help around the house once the family gets wealthy
Arnold's situation comes to mind as an example of why that'd be a good idea instead of hiring a maid

Based, nothing in the Bible prohibiting polygamy.


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Tits with timestamp or gtfo. You know the rules.


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Polygamy not cool

God bless Bashar.

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Monogamy is the best option. Polygamy only works if you have absurd ratios of men to women.