What's happening today?

Last night someone made a thread saying something big was gonna happen today, and posted a pic of 5g towers.

Are the mass dieoffs going to happen? Please?

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biden is dead

sorry that was me. my bad. i misread my calendar

If that's all it is then I'm severely disappointed.

nigger...write this down, then staple it to your forehead so every time you look in the mirror you will be reminded. this goes double for anything anyone tells you on Any Forums

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I'm in this telegram for schizos and they swear up and down that 5G towers are gonna activate the nanobots in the vaccine. It's cringy af

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Wait for tonight. You'll get another thread saying the same thing only it'll be a happening tomorrow. It's just edgy teens trying to troll, all this board has become. Spam and troll threads with zero substance and faggots thinking doubles and trips are any type of get

I really fucking hope it does, mostly because I know a psychopathic and abusive relative who took it and I want her gone.

>Spam and troll threads with zero substance and faggots thinking doubles and trips are any type of get
Back in my day, if you didn't get quads, you were out of the gang. Those were the days.

I dont know what happened last night but I ate 40 dollars worth of burritos and something big has happened. I was shiddin for over an hour this morning I think I broke the record on flushes. So yeah big time events have already happened.

>burritos and something big has happened. I was shiddin for over an hour this morning I think I broke the record on flushes.
You too!? I picked up a box of those Tiny Tinas Fuckin' Cheep Burritos and decided I was going to make enchiladas until they ran out. I only bought one can of enchilada sauce though, so I've been eating those somebitches naked. Yesterday, I swear I shit at least 8 times, and then woke up 2-3 times last night to shit too... It was all the same kind of pillowy, oatmeal (because I ate a lot of oatmeal with nutmeg in it to get a bit high) and burrito fluff mush shit. The kind that just kinda slides out your asshole, like you could imagine laying down a row of shit like that that firms up and becomes concrete of somesort, and you could make, like a chicken coop or potting shed or something. Anyways, I'm going to have to cut this short. I've got a freezer pizza about ready.

Nothing happens. Stop wishing for bad shit and do something positive with your sad life.

No, fuck you.

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>they swear up and down that 5G towers are gonna activate the nanobots in the vaccine.
if only the nanobots worked or enough people took the vaccine for it to make a difference

>Nothing happens
Yes nothing in the World that´s bad and of note has ever happened. Of course not you retarded twonk

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I did it like this

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The real Biden died a long time ago, if they announce he is dead that means his clones are dead and his AI software isn't running good enough damage control so they have to call it. They are out of their league. Reading that RICO case against Hillary in south Florida the shills lost the plot. I no longer believe any shill that posts here saying Trump is not at the advantage right now.

Wake me up when September Ends.

And then a wm1 pyro ubered by 2 medics comes by and reduces you to ash before you can process what happened. Doesn't respond in chat, doesn't even know chat exist, is probably a furfag.

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