What is to be done?

In only 60 years half our population (over 100 million people) is now shitskins. They have been integrated into our police force and military. It would be nearly impossible to get rid of them through violent means (it would be the largest genocide ever in human history) and no country on earth would accept them.

The options appear to be the following:

1. (likely) Slow decline into Venezuela until a strongman takes power in about 50-100 years. Pray to god the strongman is white and he gives us special privileges on our own land but we are still permanently stuck with these creatures and we will always be a minority. If the strongman is Latino mystery meat and hates Whites then we are done for.

2. (unlikely) Expanded Civil War where we lose all our cultural artifacts in Washington DC. and get to control some land in the North of Canada. This could only ever succeed if we got support from China and Russia. Again this is extremely unlikely since information technology allows spying in real time. The confederacy was formed secretly and forts were captured while it took months for Washington to be notified by horseback in 1860. This could not occur today due to technology.

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Have you thought about putting in effort to make a home and a family and have kids?

Or, all whites can move to europe and let that shit of a country die

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About 8% of the humans on earth are White. That is a 12 to 1 advantage when you allow open migration globally. Unless every white person starts having 12 kids then we will never even be able to hold the current demographic stats.


So what you're scared of happening has already happened?

Or have you just given up?

I'm saying we can't outbreed them in a world of open migration. They can only be kept at bay with military enforced borders. Poland remains European because they enforce borders not because their citizens each have 12 babies and are more numerous then shitskins.

Whites in Latin America are a power minority

Open borders won't end until you stop being first world countries.
It's literally that simple

>amerimutts can move to europe
The most retarded thing you could type.

How so?

Delusional. If war broke out, China, Russia, Iran, and even some "allied" powers would immediately begin supplying arms and training to every different faction in an attempt to gain control/ puppet things, or bleed their nemesis dry.

We will never know peace in that scenario, as places like CA would just open up a foreign naval base out of spite.

Goodbye yellow brick road!

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By regions/states.
It is the central federal authority that is the real problem.

Dominant traits dilute when separated, and that's why humanity could become a white and part-white race. It's a common belief that everyone will be brown or black in the future, but the opposite is more likely to occur. Everyone will be white.

>STAGE ONE: 50% dominant, 50% incomplete dominant, 0% recessive
>STAGE TWO: 25% dominant, 50% incomplete dominant, 25% recessive
>STAGE THREE: 50% incomplete dominant, 50% recessive

It is presented in different, evolving ways but the underlying principle of 6F-DIR is the same: because of the recessive return, it is possible to initiate a 0-25-50 slide in areas with "dominant" traits. Therefore, white people should have an expansionist mindset rather than a flight mindset. White people shall adventure and produce.

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You simply need enforceable borders. That is impossible under your current political control. I won’t even call it democracy but it literally isn’t, it’s a ruling elite manipulation of the mob.

True. More Muslims are in europe than in america or the middle east. Youll be trying to come here sooner or later. I dont want you eurotards setting foot in america ever. We told you not to open your continent to all of africa and you seethed and did it anyway to prove how smarter and better you are than american mutts. You mutted yourselves to own americans. Lmao you stupid fucks.

who fled the cities and returned to their hometowns when covid hit?
who has nowhere else to go?
it only takes on nuke to level a city
it doesn't even need to be real... enough napalm dropped from high enough would look like a mushroom cloud
who the fuck is going to run into a supposed site of a nuclear explosion to livestream the fact that it's fake?
patriots are in control, trust the plan

You don't want Anglosphere whites coming back to Europe.

brother you are my countrymen but you are insane

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