British Colonialism

>don't mind me I'm just colonizing India

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Britain should've kept Africa and India. Instead they left and created a shithole and bottomless parasite.

I'll do it again

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Don't even need a smelly, a brown bess will do

What's his deal?

Willing to bet quality of life was 10x better under British rule versus whatever the fuck you have right now sandeep. Scam call centers, street shitting, failing infrastructure. That's what you shitskins fail to admit, you were happier being ruled by the white man. Look at you now, swimming in your own shit in the most literal sense.

You must notve heard of Cecil and his trust.

thats how a aryan dog behaves


Based water magician

That's why you should show him who is boss here.
Hint: It is not him.

husky's are smarter than everyone else and better? i guess they were right about ol' blue eyes.

somehow France has tip toed into the modern day being the last european colonial nation. they still rule over a lot of africa.

america has puerto rico and guam and some other shit islands and england has a few tiny rocks out in the ocean but France's influence over some south american and african nations is quite impressive.

i'm sure it's all at the directive of a bunch of intelligence agencies but still... with all of the leftist faggotry i'm surprised they havent been exposed.

>husky's are smarter than everyone else and better?
yeh dude so smart you can guarantee that fucker was top of the list for "stock liquidation".

What a dick dog. I'd probably put it down. It's just evil for the sake of evil. Probably make a good curry

Got to admit that shit is hilarious

>>recorded in the British War Cabinet and Government of India archives, are that more than a million tons of grain arrived in Bengal between August 1943, when the War Cabinet first realised the severity of the famine, and the end of 1944, when the famine had petered out. This was food aid specifically sent to Bengal, much of it on Australian ships, despite strict food rationing in England and severe food shortages in newly liberated southern Italy and Greece.

The Anglo shouldn't bother trying to civilize his lessers, and take to the stars, where his spirit belongs. Anglo pride, galaxy wide.

It's really not as big as people make it out to be. Look at how easily Mali replaced us by Russia.

They raised you from animal to hunan. We kept you as slaves. Crazy Indian fools.

fuck off nigger thats a good boy, the weak shall fear the strong

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You bloody bastards were colonizing each other for thousands of years, the British just collected you all into group.

>the weak shall fear the strong
Human > Dog

Sled dogs are psychopaths, especially the ones bred by Russia

have you been to london? they kept it

Do you guys even have a Navy?

>Me after finding a Khazar milkers qt3.14.

No retard, the lost London too


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