Lol at british "people"

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i will not attack my brother
op is a fag

lol fag

Cheers bro, I will do the same for you

Call out the kike's "Divide and Conquer" tactics wherever you see them

If you're a shitskin you're not American. Shit OP I'm more American than you are

Do you believe they are to "protect and serve" you? What are you trolling for? Truth? Lies? To sow discord amongst others? Maybe this isn't the place for this post or you, OP. I'm not going to talk down to you or use you as a proverbial whipping post, but I am going to leave your board and find something more aligned to my interests. Or maligned, then I will let that op have it, but not you. You need to crawl before you learn to walk. Want to make it as a pseudo- 4chin journo? Back your posts up with verified info and don't be a faggot. That's the key.

You want to know something funny?

The "Bri'ish "People" meme was literally created by a transvestite subreddit. It was created by trannies.

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OP is a jew

American trannies btw, I'm not kidding.

The meme came from a fucking tranny subreddit

God bless NYC Jews and Wall Street fuck pakis.

>i will not attack my pet

at least we are not speaking german.........

Queen Elizabeth II (head)
Prince Charles
Senator Nelson W. Aldrich
Ambassador Winthrop W. Aldrich
Philanthropist John Nicholas Brown II
Columbia University President Nicholas Murray Butler
NATO Secretary General Lord Carrington
Ambassador John W. Davis
Vice President Charles G. Dawes
Admiral William J. Crowe
Senator Chauncey Depew
CIA Director Allen W. Dulles
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles
Ambassador James W. Gerard
General Alexander Haig
Ambassador to the United States Edward Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax
Ambassador W. Averell Harriman
Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy
Ambassador Henry R. Luce
Financier John Pierpont Morgan Sr.
Congressman Ogden Reid
Ambassador Whitelaw Reid
Publisher Ogden Mills Reid
Publisher Whitelaw Reid (journalist)
Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
Attorney General Elliot Richardson
General of the Army George C. Marshall
Secretary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon
Oil Refiner John D. Rockefeller
Banker David Rockefeller
Secretary of State Elihu Root
Banker Jacob Schiff
Ambassador John Hay Whitney

Those are the Pilgrims Society members

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Kek good post OP

so like why make seething threads about british people but then complain that you're not seething?

trannies actually hate us the most. i went on /lbgt/ before for a stroll and saw like 2 hate threads about us. all of them were crying because we are very stubborn and ignorant people that we should be genocided.

As long as you fuckers dont make another thread about cheese again then we're good.

I know

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best chart ever. bless our Germanic roots


You got the teeth wrong