The holocaust never happene-

>the holocaust never happene-


Attached: Selection_on_the_ramp_at_Auschwitz-Birkenau,_1944_(Auschwitz_Album)_1b.jpg (897x639, 202.94K)

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>the holocaust never happene-
Cool meme flag, rabbi.

Trying to give goyim only two options (which they can both control or at least gaslight) is JIDF jewing 101.

For example... "Oy vey, you question the holohoax? You're a backwards (((holocaust denier)))!"

Here tying to create these two options: You either buy their absurd 6 gorillion psyop lock, stock and barrel in its entirety OR you're a "denier", a label jews use to ostracize.

You use these tactics to gaslight and misdirect normies away from the truth. The truth being, in this case, yes some jews died in WW2. Yes, some jews were held in camps in WW2. Some jews died from typhus and starved in camps in WW2. A bad time. But jews were not "gassed" by the millions. There were no "extermination camps", they were POW camps. There were no masturbation death machines. There were no railway cars that went directly into ovens. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.

The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore their prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2.

Thus, it should be labeled the "holohoax" and one should avoid playing these jew 2-choice games.

300+ must-know Weimar, WW2 and holohoax redpills with sources:

A good thread to locally archive.

>weekly thread
Here, have a cartoon character and fuck off

Attached: 00d83609-0ad0-46e2-ba72-9dce4d970e77 (2).png (1235x1697, 2.12M)

It’s literally a book with a few pictures of people waiting for a train!!!
And what are the chances that it’s full of pictures of the neighbors of the woman who found it?!
I’m sorry but it’s totally unbelievable. I believe less now.

It hapened. Based Hitler BTFO kikes

> The album's survival is remarkable, given the strenuous efforts made by the Nazis to keep the "Final Solution" a secret. Also remarkable is the story of its discovery. Lili Jacob (later Lili Jacob-Zelmanovic Meier) was selected for work at Auschwitz-Birkenau, while the other members of her family were sent to the gas chambers. The Auschwitz camp was evacuated by the Nazis as the Soviet army approached. Jacob passed through various camps, finally arriving at the Dora concentration camp, where she was eventually liberated. Recovering from illness in a vacated barracks of the SS, Jacob found the album in a cupboard beside her bed. Inside, she found pictures of herself, her relatives, and others from her community. The coincidence was astounding, given that the Nordhausen-Dora camp was over 640 km (400 mi) away, and that over 1,100,000 people were killed at Auschwitz.[5]

I’m sorry but WHO CAN TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY? And this is the ONLY evidence we have that this happened and it DOESNT EVEN HAVE ANY PICTURES OF DEAD PEOPLE!


Correct. But it should and will happen.

Attached: 1650029163281.jpg (750x638, 64.4K)

> not a Holocaust denier
> But jews were not "gassed" by the millions. There were no "extermination camps"
What is the word for goyim pilpul? Is it being a dumb faggot? I guess that will have to suffice.

Attached: 18B12AE2-EA9E-4328-A494-89CA17E268AB.jpg (700x483, 38.8K)

More evidence.

Attached: Anne_Frank_passport_photo,_May_1942.jpg (607x599, 68.21K)

Vuelvete a Bandada, guaton con resistencia a la insulina, que andas creyendote gringo kek.

> not a Holocaust denier
Where did he say that he wasn't rejecting the postwar jewish narrative, and thus fall under the category of what jews and their golems call a "holocaust denier"?

all that shit has been deboonked
now debunk pic related

1 / 2

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>now debunk pic related
2 / 2

Attached: final-solution2.png (734x7002, 764.29K)

>jews were not "gassed" by the millions. There were no "extermination camps", they were POW camps
correct, meaning "the holocaust" did not happen

Attached: debating-holocaust-info.png (2402x1300, 251.95K)

The part we’re he claimed oh fuck it, you’re retarded go do a flip.

Wtf? Are they having a sleepover?

Attached: burned bc typhus af.jpg (1706x917, 436.22K)

You're really not good with reading comprehension, are you buddy? But cognition is something that is often lacking in socially programmed drones, so it's to be expected.

>their absurd 6 gorillion psyop
does anyone else remember when it was 11 million (5 million non-jews)
does anyone else remember that the back-pedaling as they said "we just made that up so gentiles would care"

How does anyone see that and think "oh, but they obviously wouldn't exaggerate anything else to bring awareness and pity!"

The hollocaust question is totally irrelevant today, I don't dislike Jews and their ilk because I support Hitler or hated what the Jews did to the world.
I hate Jews because of what they are doing to the world TODAY, through their Jewery today!

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