How can Christian’s hate Jews when Jesus was a Jew?

How can Christian’s hate Jews when Jesus was a Jew?

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Thankfully I can hate them all because I don't fall for desert fairy tales.

Dem jews arent the same jews and jewsus said christians are the true jew.

>Jesus was a Jew?
Can that be proven as a fact? If so, how?
asking for a fren.

Jesus was right about the Pharisees
He spoke out against them, and they had him killed for it
Pharisees -> Talmud - > Modern "Judaism"
classic divide and conquer tactics, you fucking kike.

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>Jesus was a jew
He wasn't, but you are.

Jew religious teachings claim that Jesus is in hell, “boiling in feces” for all eternity for his “crimes” against the jew.

Also, Jesus wasn't a jew. And Mary was from Galilee, not Judea, obviously also not a jew. In the Book of Isaiah, Galilee is called 'g'lil ha-goyím' i.e. the “Land of the Goyim” due to non-jew resettlement policies of the neo-assyrian empire.

The purposeful subversion and destruction of christianity (originally an utterly anti-jewish movement) from within by jews post-WW2 is one of the most subversive things they have done. Jesus, born to Mary in Judea who then found true God and rejected judaism and named the evils of the "synagogue of satan", is maybe the only other person jews hate more than mustache man himself. A must watch documentary for any christians ITT:


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Because jews believe, according to the talmud, that Jesus is in hell burning in a cauldron of human excrements. The current jews did not accept Jesus as their Lord and savior

Why don't the Jews love Jesus, OP?

Everyone that I've met who's name is Christian has been a little strange. I wouldn't put too much stock in what they have to say.

If you meant Christians, then I'm gonna have to exit this message and reread the message and reply to you later.

Good luck.

>classic divide and conquer tactics

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this whole thing of them genociding us is pissing us off.

You JIDF trannies always post this lame debunked talking point. Mary gave birth to Jesus as a virgin. He was not human but God manifest in flesh. God can't be Jewish and Jesus can't be Jewish.
This line of logic seeks to make Jesus out to be a human man when he was not. It's a kike trick to make you believe their blasphemy. It seeks to rob Jesus of his rightful place and his irightful designation. Jesus wasn't a jew and he hated jews. It is known.

Christgolems only hate jews when they are on pol. They worship jews and Israel off pol.
They want to be White Nationalists and christcucks at the same time. We won't allow it.

Rev 2:9 I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Only a disgusting jewish mind could make up such filth. Truly vile creatures

Jesus was Hebrew.
The Hebrews who realized he was messiah and that being "chosen" meant bringing this message to the world became the first Catholics. Catholics have temples (churches), a priesthood and a sacrifice (the eucharist) and represent the fulfillment of God's direction of the Hebrews.

The Hebrews who rejected Christ continued to believe they were "chosen" to rule this world, not bring the good news of the next. They fought two epic struggles with the Romans and were destroyed and diasporaed. They over time re-grouped and around 700 AD had begun following the dictates of the Babylonian Talmud. They do not have priests, temples or a sacrifice. They have teachers (rebbes) places of worship and teaching (synagogues) and NO sacrifice. These rejectors of Christ go by the name given them in the Gospel of St. John: The Jews.

Christians don't "hate" jews--they hate usury and moral perversion which the jew traffics in for profit and destruction of the non-jew. The jew, as laid out in the Talmud, hates the Christian and must do so to be a good jew. The Talmud claims Jesus is boiling in Hell in a caldron of boiling excrement. And jews cannot use the + symbol in school because it is too much like the Holy Cross, the symbol of Christ's victory over death and his church here on earth that they sworn to destroy.

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(((WE))) WON'T!

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69 But Peter sat without in the court: and there came to him a servant maid, saying: Thou also wast with Jesus the Galilea.-Mathew 26:69

15 Land of Zabulon and land of Nephthalim, the way of the sea beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles-Mathew 4:15

>Galilea of the gentiles

Yeah nah

Oh fuck you. lol Nobody is going to accept a christgolem as a White Nationalist. Will never happen. We already seen how that worked out.

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Jesus Christ is loosely based on Julius Caesar.

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Jesus was not a jew, he was the Son of God
the only people who say Jesus was a jew are people who dont believe in god and jews, who are literally demons
read the Book of John, it details how Jesus went around the middle east beating the shit out of jews.

Believe it or not, Jesus Christ was a Christian

Jesus was an essene

Jesus was a Judaen...jews are an imposter race who stole the religion, but don’t actually practice it. They are turks

>jews hate us
Why? Everything you faggot christcucks do, benefits the jew.
Christgolems enable, elevate, and protect jews because they believe it impresses their jew deity. Why would jews hate their golems?

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>White Nationalist
Sure Shlomo.
A goy without Christ is a really strong bulwark against your vice peddling.
Get gassed.

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They were Christians, not Catholic,. Catholicism is a roman paganism


Because the jews killed jesus, maybe?

Yep, like Thomas Jefferson is loosely based on Barrack Obama.

All this cope. lol
Why some defensive? So much shame?

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Jesus is swagapino

You worship a jew. Don't be ashamed.
If I were you, I'd worry about all the nigger feet you have to wash and the trannys dragging their balls across your deitys' face. It's not a good look.

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Jews said his dad was a german, a roman soldier from gaul named pantera

Hatred isn't in the Chrisxicon. I'm Christian and don't hate Jews or anyone. Jews are easier to convert than Muslims in my experience.