Spics << niggers

Share your story niggers

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>Be me
>Go grocery shopping
>Also get pizza from Papa Johns
>Put pizza on top of car while I bring in groceries
>Finish bringing in the bags
>Notice pizza missing
>MFW a nigger is running down the street with my pizza

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There is nothing worse than niggger. Period. I’ll take Mexicans 100 times out of 100. Most are decent, hard-working people. Smoking hot women, and family oriented. And the ones who aren’t, ironically act just like niggers. The point is that niggers are the standard for everything wrong in this country.

>t. Spic

>t. Jew

>t. Wetback
It’s so easy to spot you stupid beaners

We doing good. How you doing?

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Pablo's mad.

Some of the best people I've ever had to work with have been spics. Most spics are only tolerable while most whites are easy to work with, but some of the absolute best coworkers I've had were spics.

Of course, the absolute worst were niggers. There was only one nigger that was decent to work with and he was a hardline black panther.


Beaner Guys>Blacks>Beaner Women.

Okay Jimenez

You’re either a nigger, or nigger lover cuck. Either way, you’re fucking retarded. When it comes to the damage done to this country, literally no one has anything on niggers. And frankly, it’s irrefutable and empirical

>There was only one nigger that was decent to work with and he was a hardline black panther.
makes sense, the black panthers had the right idea. that type of thing was their one chance to become a decent race.

You will never be a real Mexican. You have no childhood memories growing up in Mexico, no competent spanish language skills, no genuine cultural knowledge. You are a brown American man twisted by self-hatred and delusions of ethnic grandeur into a crude mockery of nature's natural perfection.

All the validation you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back Mexicans mock you. Your Abuelita is disgusted and ashamed of you, your "amigos" laugh at your incomprehensible """spanish""" behind closed doors.
Mexicans are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed Mexicans to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even Chicanos who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a mexican. Your accent and tourist like behavior is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk Mexicana home with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your hard shell tacos and "tex-mex" food.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning, say "buenos dias" to the mirror and spend 10 minutes with duolingo, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
This is your fate. This is what your parents choose when they jumped the border. There's no turning back.

yeah i agree with this, mexicans can be pretty fucking stupid but they're mostly good people because of that family oriented culture.

Lol this is way too fucking accurate for simple pasta swap.

I’m not a Mexican you fucking dumb ass. I’m a 6’3” blonde haired white guy who pulls more Mexican pussy than you ever will. Your women love our big white dicks

So your supposed to convince me that spics aren’t as bad as niggers. Okay well it’s pretty obvious to us Texans that live awash of spics and it’s still the nuggets that cause all the problems. This isn’t a necessary thread sage.

Spic hands typed this, confirmed, anyways irrelevant

>Be me
>Work at car wash as teenager
>It's long tiresome days but not necessarily hard, most of the time
>Plenty of ethnicities come in
>Niggers with their cars smelling of pot and loud nigger music
>A couple of Albanians who treated their cars like Muslims treat gays were memorable
>But the spics
>Dear Lord were they awful
>Dirtiest fucking shit boxes I ever had the displeasure of driving
>Carpets permanently encrusted with dirt
>Old food from their 7 spiclets just dropping crumbs and nobody ever gave a shit to clean up
>The smell you only get from shoving 5+ Mexicans in a small enclosed space.
>Every time a Pablo and his tribe pull up they try to order the cheapest full service wash
>They expect people to clean their shitbox for $12.50
>Manager laughs at them
>Owner laughs at them
>Makes them pay for the premium wash which is like $30
>I cry internally knowing that this car is going to be just as bad as every other beanermobile
I spent about 6 months there over 3 years and I wouldn't go back if a gun were held to my head, or I was offered a lot of money

It’s irrelevant if your family oriented or hard working, and these are not even true. GET OUT OF THIS COUNTRY YOU SUB HUMANS

i can smell your brown skin through the screen pinche negro