The Eye of Providence

Okay ya'll, for the thousand-and-first time I'm going to give you the answer to something and most of you will listen but only some will hear.

What does the triangle(pyramid) with the eye represent and why is it so goddamn important some very prominent men(and to a lesser degree, women) have spent huge amounts of energy in service to it?

For the world's elite, there is one true religion. It is the underpinning of every major modern religious tradition.

What makes this symbol important is that it represents a VERSION of God that most people are never awakened to.

It is this VERSION of God that they rally around.

This God is not the demiurge. It is not "Satan".

When you know what they know, you gain infinite potential. Like the fruit of the tree in the garden, you will not know death. Not in the way you think, anyway.

Theirs is the "ancient mystery religion". It is enshrined in the allegory of the Egyptian hieroglyphs.

So, what's the big "secret"?

That eye in the center of the triangle? That is YOUR eye. That symbol is a reminder that you ARE the thing you seek.

You ARE everything. If you want to feed your ego and call it God, feel free.

I'm not telling you to believe me. I'm only telling you what the elite of the world believe.

Is it related to Kabbalah/Judaism? Yes. Zen? Yes. Christianity? Yes. Buddhism? What do you think he discovered when he became "enlightened"? Islam, very much yes.

Name a religious tradition and there is a very good chance it has roots in the basic idea that everything IS (paradoxically) one. In mathematical terms:
∞ = 1

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You are "it" and "it" is..."you"

They don't want you to know this for several reasons:

1. Those in the know, both benevolent (selfless) and malevolent (selfish), and in any combination, understand the intrinsic negative potential of this.
This information has on many occasions caused people to go mad. They call it 'Jerusalem Syndrome' in Israel and guides are trained to deal with it. Basically people have a habit of visiting the wailing wall, as I once did, and having a spiritual revelation, resulting usually in them claiming Christhood.

These people who go mad are confronted with this knowledge and never learn that they aren't alone. Not even close.

So that's it. The key to all of the spiritual shit. I could go on for days with all sorts of nuanced clues laid out all over scripture and greater societal traditions. I could explain the significance of the triangle/pyramid, but I'll leave that for you to discover.

If this QRD was in some way meaningful to you, welcome to deepest rabbit hole you'll ever go down.

Hello, me!

>most of you will hear but only some will listen.
FTFY. Didn't read the rest btw.

2. It's probably confirmation bias because they're mostly rich people, but this is real magic. There is a trial energetic potential gained from enlightenment. Some of these elites hoard it for themselves.

You are a fool. Making an opinion known about something you are admittedly ignorant and being proud of it.


Makes bit of sense and sent a shiver down my spine, thanks, i think?

Yes, I am proud of having learned English.

So why do they sacrifice babies and drink blood. Why are they psychopaths?

3. The egotistical of the elite (most) enjoy the feeling of exclusivity. The fact that they know something and the unwashed masses don't is deeply satisfying. In some cases, they rub the plebian's noses in it. You know what I'm referring to.

They don't do that anymore. There are freak everywhere so I'm sure it happens but that shit is mostly myths tied to ancient practices related to the same belief system.

Very lucifarian of you Brother. Why deceive them?

This is dangerous information. Most who really "get it" struggle with it. It's difficult to hold a paradox in your mind.

There is no paradox, fag. There is only lack of context.


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That Lenox attraction bullshit movie on Netflix

I don't like the word Lucifer. People associate that word with an idea that is mostly incorrect.

You could call me a "light luciferian" but I don't really care for that label.

Lucifer is worth taking time to study though. There's some really subtle nuance to that whole thing.

This is not that. Those are idiots extrapolating from things yet do not understand.

* law of attraction
>fck you Tim apple

*Things they don't understand

Nigger, you are lucifarian and commie trash. Back to plebbit you go.

Take that garbage back to the middle east, you desert rat. You're on Turtle Island. Our God is the Sun and Mother Earth. You will never cross to the other side as your blood is corrupted as you corrupt your world. Stupid rat.

At its core, existence is a paradox. You could also take the position that even assigning the concept of paradox is too limiting, but I tend to disagree.

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Willful ignorance, people. Imagine the chuckle the elite get from people like this.

Pagan nonsense. God is greater than the sun or mother earth. Did you know there are multiple suns in the universe

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It's the anus, as confirmed by Albert Pike in Morals and dogma. Enjoy your gay sex.

>tldr: satanists worship themselves as gods
Yes. I know. Kill them all and let god sort them out.

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>existence is a paradox.
Citation needed. On second thought, don't.

Nice grooves, Rabbi.

I taught in lodges before you even conceived your retarded version of the eye. Get fucked faggot.

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Did you read what I wrote? No.

God IS everything. All of it. The good and the bad. The stars and the universe and everything we can and cannot imagine.

What you aren't getting is that YOU ARE THAT. That thing that appears self-evidently "other" is actually ALSO "not other". You are both everything and nothing and one and everything in between and beyond.

False. Stop basing your reality on Any Forums "infographics"

>masonic tranny is degenerate
Could've fooled me

Where can I begin down this rabbit hole?

Answer me this, lodgemaster, why do people have foot fetishes.

Whos to say im dues paying and in good standing?

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>God IS everything

This is true. Everything.

Read Valdemar Valerian books, and the Urantia if you want a real rabbit hole. OP is shitposting

Existence is a paradox.

What are the two basic states? Existence and nothingness or non-existence.

Those are in direct contention with each other. They are the immovable object and the unstoppable force. Existence REQUIRES nothingness in order to BE, just as we can't have nothingness if we don't have somethingness..

Existence and nothingness arise through co-dependent origination.

The issue is that your knowledge isn't passing through. The problem is the work around of removing the current shitty world system in place. Billions keep poisoning themselves and the rich get richer, why would I continue.

Im not talking to you nigger.

There is no such thing as non-existence, dumb wordcel. Nonexistence is a lie

Please rewrite that. I think you are saying something but I decipher it.

Regardless, why would you even want to have your name associated with such a thing, nigger?

Prove me wrong, Mr. Philosopher

I already did, there is no such thing as death.

Your knowledge isn't imperfect you see. I want to know more
But my question is. Why would I want to live in a world, where billions just poisoned themselves, and we're going to DIE.

Neat. And what do you think the degrees in addition to the blue lodge degrees is about?

Yeah you don't know shit, mason boi.

Good morning sir.

Just a history nerd and wanted to understand what made George Washington the man he was and many of the founding fathers. Plus, i like to see things for myself instead of being tld what is what by people that never even stepped foot in a lodge

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Please answer

So what was the experience? Were they a bunch of larpers with no divine knowledge, or is the local boomer lodge actually enlightened?

Oh im sorry, am i not jewish enough for you goy?

Not sure what I think of all this. But for the sake of argument, if this does exist, then i totally tapped into this a year ago.

I'm basically a nobody, small social circle. I have some artistic talents, but nothing you couldn't find 500% better from some bloke on youtube in 2 seconds. After a breakup, i was in the lowest of the low mental states. I decided to do the cliche shit and "focus on myself" for awhile, and i took a chance and opened a small local 'business' related to my hobbies. It was sort of a dream of mine to have a physical space for it, and an opportunity presented itself so i just did it. Well, literally a week after i finished setting it up, an A-list world class celebrity happened to be performing in my area, and his producer reached out to my partner's brand asking if he knew any spaces that he could use for his show while in the area. So literally a week later, my first client was this celebrity; and the happening was so profound and confusing, nobody knew what to think of it.

Any way - it was a oneshot deal. If i knew how to "control" it, i'd pull celebs all the time and enhance my social circle. But whatever it was i've lost it - just kind of on autopilot now, but things aren't terrible.