Feminist Trash Everywhere

>Stronk wahmen defeats an alien killing machine like it's nothing
>Male protagonists from the first three movies barely managed to stay alive while fighting it
>Critics and audience praise this mediocre piece of shit like it's the best thing ever

I am so done with this world. It's not even funny any more, it's all cringy feminist garbage about some Mary Sue cunt who wins 24/7. Fuck this trash, i am going to watch movies with male protagonists only, not some cringy female power fantasy. Women are so pathetic, yet they are praised for it

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What's really too bad is some fucking Chad injun scalping settlers innawoods and suddenly his whole warband is getting skinned like wapiti and hung out in the misty dark forest should have been the most kino predator movie ever. They could have made them think it was a skinwalker or a wendigo or something to do some cool lore shit. But we got feminism instead. Diversity actually could have been great for a film, but nope. Gotta go full fucking woke.

The only reason this will be interesting to me is because in predator lore, predators refuse to kill women unless it’s in self-defense because human woman are not “good sport” and aren’t worthy of being taken as trophies. This movie will either fail spectacularly or succeed in establishing that human beings are a dangerous species as a whole. Dangerous women are rare.. but they do exist. Still I’m skeptical. The concept is interesting but this is still Hollywood. A dead institution full of pedophiles, rapers, and whores.

it would be cool if they started making predator movies like this set in different time periods. But you know they’ll ruin it with 100lb women that some how over power an alien 3x their size and weight. It’s more unbelievable than the Oreo nose that an alien race comes to earth to hunt humans.

The first Predator is all you need to see.

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People actually still watch movies? Movies have been propaganda garbage since Hollywood’s inception but have been insufferable since 1999-2000. I think The Lord of The Rings was the last good movies to ever come out of that den of misery.
Literally just read books, it’s way more satisfying and makes you a more intelligent person and happy one.

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this movie was pretty shit. they portrayed the french poachers as very moronic and the fights were a comedy only a child would find amusing. a frail little savage knew how to use a gun and alien technology? mary sue all the way. unlike in alien where riply is just seen as a desperate human hiding and running from a xeno, which would make more sense.

The only dangerous women that have existed killed stealthily or by trickery. There are no women that fight a man 1v1 and win unless the man is some kind of extreme manlet. Even the stories of Joan of arc were greatly exaggerated.

There's great contemporary films if you know where to look.
Listen to this monologue scene from The Turin Horse

No you don’t understand Native American wymyn were super smart and stuff.


I liked it but this bitch really should have been easy prey for the Predator.

too bad Schwarzenigger is a hyper faggot

This isn't sequel to The Thing is it?

he is now, he probably has blackmail on him.
He used to be based, even wore a Nazi belt buckle all the time

More like Gesichtenegger

it would have been cool to see a french poacher or general fight a predator with his sabre or go further back where vikings first settled and then have vikings fight americans and it would be just like the first movie where he picks them off then the end we get a sick melee and the viking cuts his head off or something. but the viking is badly wounded and dies.

Wrong. Predator 2 was Kino as fuck. It's as equally good as the first movie

since 2018s onward, all movies have at least 1 strong female that defies logics and laws of physics. There's at least strong diversity as well in every movies. There is a lead nigger in 'Overlord' movie, for example.

>retard memeflag seethes

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they tried to tell eveyone she would beat the arnie in the same role because of her deep ancestral connection and knowledge of the forest or some such wise nature combat woman horseshit.

Dances With Roasties

Did they give him a cameo, given the native setting?

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>stronk wamen kill super advanced tech aliens
>also wamen
>can't prevent being raped by incel humans
yep.. shit's out of control

Creativity in Hollywierd is dead. So much easier to dust off an old script and reshoot it with a diversity cast. Doing something original is too hard when you are worn out from a night of monkeypoxing and coke.
They used to make movies about the counter culture. Now they are the enforcers of silly wokeness. I will keep my money and they can show the film to an empty room.