Yes, we are degenerates

What are you going to do about it Any Forums? Time passes and the rights of our beautiful community legally advance every day. We have legal marriage, protections against discrimination, laws in our favor, EVERYTHING you can imagine.

The only thing you can do to stop global progress is to cry and cope.

>.t Bisexual pedophile, non binary he/they uwu with underage boyfriend

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Filthy faggots like you should be hunted as a sport

Enjoy monkeypox, faggot

...and now you got pridepox,
I hope, you will enjoy

>The only thing you can do to stop global progress
Nope, you apes enjoy yourselves now, ya hear.

We will kill all of you and our children will learn of your deeds, so they may never happen again. Why Hitler was so patient I haven't a clue, just a better man than me.

I agree. Rope for OP.

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Stop spreading diseases and kill yourself.

You talk about killing people to sound edgy but in fact you are nothing but a basement living chudcel. The average trans women can beat your ass to death if you dare to touch her.

Living in the most LGBT friendly country of the middle east must be hard, kike

That's not what the statistics say. You probably beat children to death after raping them.

>The average trans women can beat your ass to death if you dare to touch her.

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Faggots in the 1920s felt safe, too. The hammer came down on them in the 30s and not only in Germany.

If they dare to talk about it probably yes. although threats are enough most of the time lol

You'll going to die with no biological offspring. We win

you're pissing in an ocean of piss OP
go back to your hugbox

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I believe Irish Monastic Fascism is the only way to save our society.

well don't tell it now it will adopt-n-rape out of spite

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You know, I never agreed much with nat-socs, but they have a VALID point when it comes to faggotry post 1934. Same counts for Stalinists.

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I love sucking -11 yo cocks and chuds in an incel forum can't do nothing to stop me :3


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dox yourself then, lets see who comes out on top.
go on shill faggot, drop your full name and address, bet you won't, because you are scared, you know what will happen as you've been warned 1000's of times already.
you won't do shit btw, you can't pull a real woman so you trooned out how the hell do you think you're going to get past the parents of an 11y-o you delusional leftist faggot?

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