Nigger shoots coach dead over youth football game

Why are they like this?

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Funny how they are all for self defense now. I’m old enough to remember when they said Kyle ritttenhouse wasn’t allowed to defend himself with a gun. But it’s ok when a black man does it I guess

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Youths gonna youth

Because they can't handle order

I admire how willing they are to commit to violence even if its over the most inconsequential shit

Yeah, and if it had been a white shooter?

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Im black and I usually avoid playing basketball with blacks. They take it way too seriously and become violent when people are watching them because their ego and pride takes over. Its not worth getting things stolen from you for a literal fucking game.

Blacks are natural alpha males. It's not that they dislike order, they don't need to be ordered around.

get in those mentions and say that, I'm range banned and want to see the spin.

they're too retarded to even consider consequences

nigger took a gun to a football game?

>Aqib Talib

Am I supposed to know who that is?

Anyway whenever you get more than a couple of niggers in the same area it always ends up in a fight or shooting.

>no webm
no bump
kill yourself

Why are niggers such pathetic imitations of humans they can't even enjoy recreational sports?

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I didn't see Aqib Talib in the video


Low IQ = High ego

Everything is an ego contest for them. That’s why they get so angry over minuscule things like sports and whatnot.



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They're actually the most effeminate males that care more about fashion and footwear than their families. It's a couple generations of single mothers raising the boys. There's no alpha in them just aggression

>Invent Whitey
>Kill Black man

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black man flings poo like a chimp
you provide it by the boat load

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He’s a NFL player

I heard they made good slaves because they were exorcismo submissive compared to other races

>natural alpha males

That’s why they always seem to need White resources, huh?