How many of you are still UNVAXXED? Not Jabbed

0 vaccines, no boosters.
0 covid anal/nasal tests done.
Either I was already infected (and I didn't know) or the virus doesn't exists.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Mrna spikes are in COVID too.

How's so?

I had a bunch of nasal/throat swabs done in 2021 cuz i was travelling. I doubt there's anything bad in them though, I had ike 7 tests in the space of a few months and never felt anything from any of them. I also tested negative everytime and havent been sick at all since way before covid. If it ends up coming up that they somehow managed to put the vaccine or some nanobot tech into the swabs and im fucked then so be it. But I doubt it.

They are just going to babble on with incoherent world salad.

Don't engage

*coming out

Checking in
No vax

But it's funny. I know that it isn't the case, but let's play with the bot.

>Mrna spikes are in COVID too.
Not true. mRNA spike in "vaccines" so-called are engineered with mRNA "optimizations" like codon optimization, n1-methyl-pseudouridylation, additional trailing codons after additional stop codons, etc.
At the very base level this is not the same "spike" as in the "wild type" which incidentally was also engineered in a laboratory but through GoF and editing and not mRNA optimizations.
This engineering is bad... duh.
Taking this shit in systemically (total biodistribution with LNP or injection in general) is way worse for you than getting it in your respiratory tract.

Weak jabby cope is weak.

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I didnt take it but I still feel intense dread knowing whats to come. I honestly dont want the majority of people I know to die.

The thing is, food production plants are built like jails. You need key cards to go from room to room, securely constructed, lots of cameras, etc. If everyone dies off, one of two things will happen with these facilities.

1. The docile will be rounded up and kept to work at them in exchange for food and board.
2. Equipment will be rounded up en masse by armed contractor groups who will ship it all to undisclosed locations where it can then be used for food production, leaving the proles to starve.

I think the latter is more likely.

Pureblood here, where all my UNVAXXED bros at?
>no vaxx
>no tests


Hello friends

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i am unvaxxed. got covid twice. i feel a little out of breath now (i haven’t been exercising much lately). will i recover if i get back into my workout routine unvaxxed bros?

dangerously based

No vaccination.
Tested positive for N type Antibodies in June of 2020.
Dr said I must have had an asymptomatic case.
August 2021 still N type Antibodies positive.
Need to get tested again.
I felt a little tired second week of July 2022.
Slept for a day.
No symptoms though.
Whole family unvaccinated.
Wife got Delta from work in November 2021.
She had some symptoms for a week.
Oxygen saturation stayed in the mid 90% range 93-95%.
She took Ceterizine Hydrochloride, D, C, and prescription Ivermectin.
Got through it with that and rest.
Quercetin also.
Both of us have comorbidities that should have really complicated the illness.
We made it.

Same here user.

Vaxxie, Vaxxie, Heart Attacksie!

>How's so?
mRna tech in the blood creates misfolded proteins and rapid onset CJD:

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>They are just going to babble on with incoherent world salad.
we have the studies and the real life examples of it already happening vaxxoid NPC goyim

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Serious question--I got the nasal brain poke swab test.

How fucked am I? Any Forums says the put cancer causing nano-particles on the ends of those q-tips, is that true?

I feel perfectly fine and healthy...

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>How fucked am I? Any Forums says the put cancer causing nano-particles on the ends of those q-tips, is that true?

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if you're a vaxxed-leaf, you are fucked, its already starting:

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