Do you think it is even possible to destroy kikery once and for all?

so they dissapear forever like ancient Egyptians or Aztecs?

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Maybe China can

It will happen around 2040, digits confirm

And I thought it would happen sooner

>aztec disappeared
>cartels executions
>egyptians disapperared
>uhh dunno, the bangles?

Yes but unfortunately for you guys it will take western demise first. Jews look enough like you they can exist covertly in your society. Their mode of operandi doesn't work on anyone on the Asian continent and everyone sees through. I think it's mostly because they look like Europeans, they are easily distinguishable as not one of us. Also, we don't really have so much shared themes, mindsets or paradigms with the Jews as Westerners do.

At some point china and India will be so strong that the USA and UK can't do shit about it and the rest of the world will just stop listening to the kvetching. but it's also hard to know what china will be like as the super power, I hope they behave better than Washington DC does.

At this point, no. Even if you exterminated every like kike off the face of the Earth their influence cannot be erased because of technology. They made sure to infest everything from books, television, film, the internet, etc. with their kikery and there's no way to get rid of it.

No, you can't. What you specify as kikery is metaphysical, it will always find manifestation in one shape or form. All you can do is create environment so that it doesn't proliferate. Like cancer in your body - we all have cancerous cells that leech bodily resources selfishly and don't kill themselves when ordered by the body, but our healthy immune system kills them off. Once the immune system (environment) shuts down, the cancerous cells will proliferate and over time a tumour will manifest.

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fake and gay, it will take place on the 3rd of april, 2198

make a covid6000000 that targets (((specific))) genetics

everything is possible if you believe in yourself and act accordingly


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Aztec blood still exists and frequently results in face flaying and gutting of live humans, aka human sacrifice in modern form. Kikery will exist in one form or another. Even Jews who assimilate and don't even know they're descendants from Jews act Jewish and do Jewish things.

time will come soon enough. the world will be free.

It will happen around two more weeks


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clearly wasn't forever, was it, numbnuts

Yeah but we would have to let America die first
Can never get rid of them while America stands

It already happened, goyim.

No it will happen 2030.

I think it is possibly, likely, and extremely desirable. I would have no mercy on them. They are not like us and do not deserve to be treated fairly. They have no qualms destroying the White race. Read 'You Gentiles' by Maurice Samuel with a foreword from Kevin Macdonald. You can get it from Antelope Hill Publishing.

yes. if someone went outside and killed a jew , say someone liek a larry fink or a soros and hung him in public wit a sign that enticed other to do the same it woudl spread liek wildfire.
if multipel attacks happened across states and countries ot would likely be a fire they could never put out.

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>Read 'You Gentiles' by Maurice Samuel
I read 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion'. It's basically a kikery handbook, everything about their modus operandi in a nutshell. One of the best redpills of all time.

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It will happen tomorrow