Do you want him to go to prison?

Memes aside it would be the biggest happening since 9/11, what do you think the fallout would be like? Do you want it to happen or not?

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He just keeps digging himself deeper and deeper. Either he's trying to go to prison on purpose, or he honestly thinks he's untouchable.

>What do you think the fallout would be like?
>73% of Trump voters think Democrats are trying to REPLACE white people with "immigrants and people of color who share their political views", shocking new poll shows
>The survey also asked: "Do you personally believe that in the U.S. Jewish people are trying to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color who share Jewish people’s views?"
>12% of Trump voters replied "Yes"
>Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always eventually be adopted by the majority of the society

Obviously most people are not going to openly name the jew to some random pollster... so safe to say you can easily double or triple these numbers, at a minimum.

Jew political, funding and voting data:

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I want to see him in prison, if not executed for treason by firing squad

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Name one crime he's guilty of.

This is what he gets for hiring People like Bill fucking Barr

>cryptic message
>america is on fire, how can i help put it out.
Seems pretty straightforward to me

it's just hope porn for deranged leftists who went way too hard on msm propaganda.

treason for putting israel before America.

>Name one crime he's guilty of.
Being awesome guilty as charged

You can’t put someone in jail for the crime of being based
Give it up shills, you lost.

He's guilty of driving globalist elitists moonbat cuckoo, which is why he gets my vote.

So I didn’t like him at first. Then I loved him for how he made both parties implode. Then I hated him for not doing more to prevent fraud since everyone including himself knew it was going to happen.

From an objective point of view, I think that if he goes to jail for something all presidents do, it will be really bad for America. The pendulum always swings back. Democrats always forget that.

Real talk: As much as I'd love to see him do the perp walk and get tossed into the slammer, realistically, neither party has the stomach to send a former president into an actual prison. Even IF he gets indicted, and IF he gets convicted (two big IFs, considering how divided we are and that it would only take on MAGAT on the jury or bench to fuck things up), the absolute worst that would happen is some sort of Mar-A-Lago house arrest scenario. And I'd be shocked as shit if we'd even go THAT far.

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They got nothing. The only possible documents that he had that wasn't clearly already declassified would be nuclear secrets, which is why they spun that narrative. No court would deny that. So they really have no case. Also, they don't want evidence in court coming out that he had Crossfire Hurricane docs, what is in them and the fact that agents involved and under investigation are the ones that raided him. Its really over except the media circus and FBI crying.

Trump going to prison is the best thing that could happen. I like the guy and wish him the best, but it would really pay off.

The third of the country that's conservative would be permanently disillusioned with the state. They'd see the government as hopelessly corrupt. The third of the country that's swing-voters would vote against the democrats in disgust. And best of all, we'd lose a ton of credibility overseas. Imagine Biden trying to negotiate with countries overseas when they can just mention that Trump is in prison and destroy all the "muh rights, muh democracy" rhetoric they're dependent on when justifying glowfaggotry. It would be so bad for the U.S. that if I were Biden I'd issue a pardon just to try and avoid the disaster it'd be.

You heavily overestimate the jews' and left's ability to restrain themselves. The only reason the left loses at all is because they always go too fast too quick and create a bunch of blowback. Think about how trannies came from literally nowhere and became accepted with almost no pushback, even from the right, and only recently people started pushing back against it because they were literally brainwashing children and making them attend drag events. If they can convict Trump, they will. Especially if they get him in the D.C. courts which are basically a kangaroo court in favor of the democrats.

Probably but it seems to be the national policy

Trump going to prison would kick off a full scale civil conflict and forever hurt the American politics landscape
Liberals will find themselves cheering over their victory as they pulled out every card possible to destroy our legal system and what is remaining of any of the trust in our government.
Conservatives would see this as the final nail in the coffin to their beloved idea of a republic and will become radicalized knowing that the system is corrupt and irreparable. Red states aren’t gonna play nice anymore with blue states.
Liberals have no clue just how bad things are gonna become if they got their “Christmas wish”. This is the part where I can’t help but chuckle at the thought of cities becoming kill zones when trucks stopped coming and goods are vanishing quick. Looting, shooting and killing will be a common sight.

They won't lock him up just because they care too much about national pride. The hardcore MAGA supporters are not a real threat. They would chimp out for a few weeks and there would be a few comically stupid attempts at terrosm like this past week. Then In 4 years all of the republicans will say that the never supported Trump the same way they did about George W. Bush.

>republicans will say that the never supported Trump the same way they did about George W. Bush

The other week, Dick Cheney threw some shade at Trump, so I peek at the Conservative subreddit to see what the reaction would be from the Trump bootlickers. Of course, it was full of snide comments about how Cheney had lied us into war and how he had zero credibility. Which, as a leftie, I agree with, but I had to laugh seeing as how these were the same shitbirds calling us unpatriotic commies 20 years ago for calling out Bush's bullshit for what it was. And I can promise you that in 20 years ago you'll have to search every nook and cranny to find a conservative who'll admit to having supported Trump.

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