How do we stop the racism against people who worship masks...

How do we stop the racism against people who worship masks? Freedom of religion is a GUARANTEED right for all american citizens.

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kek a friend of mine started fake coughing all over some jew cunt who was kvetching about masks at his office and I'm pretty sure he's getting fired monday

Maskies on suicide watch. I bet this is one of the schizos who wanted people who avoided the clotshot to be depersoned

I like to wear a mask in public just because it makes people so fucking mad. It's hilarious as fuck having someone yell at me. It gets people so worked up not minding their own business.

It might be crazy to you, but it's their religion and we need to be respectful of it.

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fucking predictable. called this 2 years ago

>average maskie

Good, and you shouldn't be ashamed of wearing one either.

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>Co-workers mock me for wearing a mask
And I'll continue to mock you Tom. Yes you. Get your dick off my back. You're Gen Z, I'm X. I make fun of idiots like you. To your face and back.
Funny how you got covid eh? Double vaxxed and masked. I'm neither of those gay things.

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Freedom of religion doesnt mean people have to respect your religion, muslims and jews also fail to understand this a

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No one is above mocking.

Sure you don't have to agree with their dogma, but you shouldn't openly mock them for wearing their traditional religious garb

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>coworkers harass me for not wearing a mask
How is this any different workplace harassment?

Who are you to tell others what they should or should not do?

Should be stoned in public for active participation in furthering our decent into tyranny

>If you love someone , if you love yourself you have to get vaccinated
Great so i dont have to

This is just an archetype.

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It's not civil to see people practicing their religion in public and openly mocking them for it. You might not believe that taking your mask off will kill you, but they believe it and they will be marked as unclean in the afterlife and go to hell where you aren't given boosters and not allowed to wear masks, instead of fauci heaven where there those are in abundance.

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Was it harassment when people who didn't wear them were attacked?

No one is yelling at you, troon... Everyone is pointing and laughing because even with mask on you still don't remotely pass as a woman and never will

Whenever I'm out in public alone and see a masked goy, I fake a burst of laughter, then move on.

No that's different.

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