We will crush you

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this guy is like 5'3"

>Yes but uhm heh heh I'd really like someone else to do the arresting and crushing. I'm too weak and cowardly.

if ANYONE wanted to do anything, they would. nobody is ready to be violent yet. People are entertaining the idea, and they will for a few more years, but 2030ish will be the start of the "everyone can look outside and see it" part of the civil war. politicians just need to keep fucking up and ruining america in the meantime and that's all they CAN do. we're gonna be right where we are for 5-10 more years so right now, it doesn't matter, nobody is gonna do shit

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Pretty sure the precedent from the SCOTUS is free speech does in fact give you the right to preach violence as long as it's not conspiracy to commit murder as in actively planning the killing of an individual.

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>two more weeks

no one will do shit
neither side will do shit
why would they when so much has been accomplished without open conflict

>Guys I said the thing again!!

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>Muhh I’ll kick your ass midget
>do Trumptardz really say fifth grader things

says the user who is using his free speech to advocate for violence. libtards the party of rules for thee but not for me.

Didn't we get pictures of this faggot's house a few years ago on 8ch? He lives in Tennessee, you know. He's not on some fortified compound somewhere.

>Qtard gets triggered

no, tim
but being that small HAS to have a psychological impact
are you telling me it hasn't affected your life at all????

>I said the other thing again guys, look at me!!

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Bioweapon creators will continue to create bioweapons until they stop being effective.

probably in nashville
its globohomo hq of tennessee

Get your shitposting in while you can before winter sets in.

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You try to make my children orphans, I'll make your children into wall ornaments.

>The people we advocated for violence against for six years sound like they might be getting violent. That's not on. It's time to get violent with them.

Round and round it goes.

God I hate Americans

Jews arent very smart, user

actually a good point
niggers kill (((conservative))) and (((liberal))) Whites alike
for example the trannies and homosexuals are infatuated with them up until being thrown off building or beheaded
it really doesnt take much critical thinking to see the real losers are Whites
its just plain genocide

You should learn how to greentext properly before you make a complete ass of yourself again

The second Holocaust is going to be ugly.

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Gosh, I hope nobody takes a tire iron to this guy's kneecaps, putting him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
That would be bad.

>Wise was born in Nashville, Tennessee, to Michael Julius Wise and LuCinda Anne (née McLean) Wise. His paternal grandfather was Jewish

Calm down Tanya Harding.

>Pretty sure the precedent from the SCOTUS is free speech does in fact give you the right to preach violence as long as it's not conspiracy to commit murder as in actively planning the killing of an individual.

You can totally plan the murder of a specific individual. It becomes conspiracy when one person in your group takes an action that materially advances the plot.

That said, the FBI will van your ass on made up bullshit if they feel like doing it, so if you have to walk this line I suggest pretending to be an antifa group.

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>free speech does not give you the right to advocate violence
So free speech advocating violence is okay if it's directed at the certain people?

Tim is wrong. It does give you the right to advocate violence. It doesn't protect you from it's consequence.

death to all Trumpist poor white trash. Let them die forever.

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hes jew isnt he?

Oh, so its alright when when the blacks and antifa do it, but suddenly everyone looses its shit when the white trash and MAGAFAGS do it.
Alright, cool, good to know the US its still hipocrate shit, no matter which side.

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