Imagine literally killing your self because your a lazy fuck

Microwaves are extremely dangerous. There are tons and tons of peer reviewed study’s in this shit.
> A Spanish study published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture in 2003 shows a roughly 80% decrease in cancer preventing antioxidants in broccoli
> In 1989, the Lancet medical journal reported that heating baby formula in a microwave changed its chemistry. Dr. Lita Lee found that microwaving converts some trans-amino acids into synthetic substances similar to unhealthy trans-fatty acids; one amino acid, L-proline, reportedly converted to a substance that’s reputed to be toxic to the nervous system and kidneys.
> Russian research reported by The Journal of Natural Sciences in 1998 found that people who ate microwaved food had a statistically higher incidence of stomach and intestinal cancers, digestive disorders, and lymphatic malfunctions causing degeneration of the immune system.
> 1989 by Swiss food scientist Dr. Hans Hertel. Eight volunteers from the Macrobiotic Institute at Kientel ate raw, conventionally cooked and microwaved food at regular intervals.

Significant changes were seen in their blood samples after eating microwaved food, including reduced hemoglobin and cholesterol values, especially the ratio of good vs. bad cholesterol. White blood cells for immune function showed a distinct short-term decrease.

Links to the actual study’s can be found.

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Other urls found in this thread:

All I eat is steamed broccoli and eggs. Every day, steamed broccoli and eggs.

user turned himself into a human poison gas factory, shieet.

I own a microwave but I don't use it because all I eat are multivitamins, sardines, B12, prescription methylphenidate, and sprats if I am feeling fancy. Yes, I have been diagnosed with autism.

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cancer is result of your body being consistently low on oxygen
smokers get cancer because their lungs have decreased capacity to extract oxgyen from air
all people I know who had cancer had office jobs and the only time they were outdoors is when they were going to car

I don't microwave.

You're not autistic, none of you are, you're just overweight and underachieving LARPing faggots who want to buy into the autism meme to make excuses for being pieces of shit. You're all nigger loving kikes

I haven't had a microwave in decades.

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> Links to the actual study’s can be found.

bullcrap -

the human body is incredibly resilient ... much of the food is no good either and despite all that they are going to resort to the extreme > the rona vaccines are what they are using to QUICKLY just kill a few Billion and cull the rest old fashioned

the microwave on the other hand - however it diminishes the quality of your food (which more importantly hinges on the quality of said source itself, ISNT KNOWN TO DO JACK SHIT TO THE HUMAN CONDITION other than being convenient)

anyone who isn't retarded and has at least a mild grasp of what shit does (roughly) will understand that

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Stop slurping on BBC

Things won't change unless we get good leadership. Majority of modern Europeans (and old ancestry of Americans) used to be serfs. They are not used to such a high level of individuality genetically. If you criticize someone's life choices you will be shunned and looked down upon by everyone else. You simply can't help these people, and trust me, I've tried. I told people that what they are doing is slowly killing them, or making them fat and lazy. But they always start throwing insults at you, and they try to make you look like a clown. To help them we need a central leader, someone with impressive charisma and leadership skills. Someone that people can look up to. And then these good lifestyle habits have to be reinforced by this central leader. Otherwise I don't really see any other way - we are only becoming more decadent and more unhealthy as we go year by year. And I'm not even worried about shortened life span, but about the fact that bad lifestyle habits are associated with lower IQ, neuroticism and disorders such as BPD. Healthy people are already surrounded by short sighted morons who lack critical thinking required to not slowly kill themselves and everyone around them by their reckless habits.

I don’t own a microwave.

Multivitamins are a meme. You body doesn’t not absorb and process powdered trash. Vitamin d is not the same as uv rays transformed into vitamin d. Things like tumeric need to be cooked in fats to activate the positive effects.

All humans needs to do is eat properly farmed crops (rotational farmed as to not suck up all the nutrients from the soil). Eating proper crops eliminates the chronic rare earth deficiencies seen in most people. Get sun. Try to source real grass fed, or at least decent quality non Walmart Perdue meat.

Methylphenidate, you must be a euro. Not used every day, stimulants are life changing. 2/3 days a week tops.
Cancer is a result of lack of sun, toxins in our environment, electro magnetic frequencies. Lower oxygen levels obviously are not good.

Smoking tobacco doesn’t cause cancer. Nicotine is one if the most amazing compounds out there. Big tobacco doesn’t sell tobacco. Combusting anything and Inhaling it is not good, but snus, clean vape cartridges ect have extremely positive affects on health.

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All aminos are somewhat toxic to kidneys hence thats what deals with them.

Will microwaves kill the groomer grommets?
We ought to test it by putting gay men in large microwaves

Oh no the poor and dumb will die off what will we do with all the unused resources?

Yeah dude its 100% safe to put plastic bowls of processed HFCS garbage in the microwave. It will totally do nothing to disrupt your endocrine system heating up plastic xenoestrogens with radiation

Microwaves are unhealthy because of high levels of radiation - FACT!
Computers are unhealthy because of high levels of radiation - ?

Do you know how a microwave works?

Just gotta up the tren.

>trust the science oven, goy!

Recently I had a sleepover at my urban friend's house. I was surprised to see that this Uber eats take out delivery food is packaged in plastics, and the food is super hot even when it arrives. And all of my urban friends eat only take out delivery food EVERYDAY. The only one who doesn't do this has a girlfriend that cooks for him sometimes.

If microwave is bad, how the japanese still alive?

What this user said. We put way worse stuff in our bodies and yet we're still alive.

Autism just means you were a couch potato instead of playing in the sandbox with other kids. These tards just need 3 months in a boot camp to get their brains thinking properly. They wont tho, they'll just keep feeding bad habits and call it a condition.

Checked, fake, and gay

All peer reviewed fukboi.

>think about a random topic like this
>a day later see a thread about it on Any Forums
get out of my head