This kid is gonna transform American cities. are you with him or not?

this kid is gonna transform American cities. are you with him or not?

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> misses ceremony after spending 2 hours on the bus

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Looks like he's more likely to transform little boys into homosexuals

Why do Americans worship the car jew

I hate the argument that cars just sit in a parking lot and are an inefficient use of resources. While that is kind of true, they never mention that public transit wastes a more valuable resource: time.

But cars are freedom!!! (after you pay the insurance, registration, the gas, oil change, the summer and winter tires, parking, repairs when something breaks, road tolls...)

How was your Shabbot yesterday Rabbi?

You can go anywhere with a car

I hate these sanctimonious fucks with an unending fire.

>gets stabbed by a nigger on the bus

>No argument
You vill finance ze card
You vill have one car per member of your household
You vill commute an hour or more a day to and from work
You vill buy ze has
You vill pay for ze insurance
You vill be happy

oh, jeez. another muhversity engineer. t. engineer for const mgt company.

He's still got plenty of time the commencement speech is only half way over

keys to success
>virtue signal as hard as you can
>post your virtue signaling to reddit
>reddit trannies make you famous using updoots and virtual gifts

>civil engineering
Yeah he'll he riding the bus for a while

>wants to design a world around people
>is 100% pro homosexuality and consumerism

>civil engineering
He's going to design mailboxes.

Is this drink fucked up?

>complete basic education
>develop grandiose expectations of your future

I don't understand. What's the alternative?

Where's your argument?
>cars give you freedom after taking the necessary steps to use them.
Yeah no shit?

This nigga gonna be doing beam diagrams for the county planning commission
Stupid ass redditor lmao

>spends the next decade designing nothing but multi-story car parks and government welfare tenements

All of those things except also having to contort your whole life around the bus schedule.

Civil engineer? Oh couldn’t pass dynamics? That’s ok bud

To be a faggot douchebag like the pic in OP

too bad he lives in a world centered around farming upvotes on reddit

Can't rely on buses they're always late and dirty

>I want to design a world around people

Or water resource management lmao civil jobs are a fucking snooze

If i understand this process correctly...
Engineers are bitches who do what theyre told and do not in fact get to make decisions about what they design or how.

New York is a beehive people living on top of you, behind you, on top and below. New York is not a friendly city it’s just too big.

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>gets killed on the way to graduation by Tyrone because he looked his way

But wouldn't it be so much better if it were 100x less convenient to get around and had to share transportation with homeless people?

>3 months ago

How convenient this happened just as we started seeing a bunch of fucking threads suggesting the same shit! These silly NPCs and their NewProblem updates.

Just a reminder (and to reinforce your post)
>Civil engineer wants to make a world around people not cars
>Literally shits, pisses, and cries if he leaves his pavement jungle for actual nature

Why do leftists have to be so performative? Why can't they just talk about their topics without doing cringy shit like this that alienates normal people?

>Brainwashed urbanite college retard believes he has the ability to change the world unilaterally.
Lol good luck.

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You’re also free to take public transportation you poor faggot, nobody is forcing you to own a car

but still most people sit at home and sometimes drive to walmart or mcdonalds

It's the most efficient means of transportation in terms of time
I ride my bike to the grocery store because it's only a little over a mile away however it doesn't save me anything because the extra time it takes me to get there on a bike isn't worth the tiny amount of gas it takes me to drive there even with gas prices so high. Cars are just too efficient.
The only way to make public transportation viable is to rework our entire country and that's just impossible. Walkable cities will never happen. You just can't do it. You cannot cram industry, housing, and commercial all into one walkable area.

>doesn't want to use a car
>take a massive vehicle several times the size of a single car
they don't make college graduates like they used to

And with all that cars are still better than any other form of transportation.

You don't understand and that's why you are working at burger king

The idea is with investment then transit would improve their time efficiency

This is WEF propaganda. They want to brainwash idiots into giving up their cars or switching to electric. Then if we don't fall for their psyop, they will ban the petrol engine and force us to ride the bus. They are literally taking everything from us one by one. Our autonomy of moevment bother the globalists. They see us as cattle in the kosher plantation.
Control of movements is the best way to make any form of organized protest impossible. The canadian honkers would have never happend if they had electric trucks that can be remotely disabled.

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attention whore generation but even more leftist

>If we just throw more money at it it will get better!
you know, tribal niggers really are smarter than you retards, despite the whole living in mud huts thing.

Not all of us live in cities, public transportation isn't an option in rural areas. And where public transportation does exist, it's dangerous to use because of niggers, homeless, and psychos.

>doesn’t know about niggers
Is anyone gonna tell him bros?

Not everyone lives in a big city. Small towns are usually easily traversed with bikes or by walking, and my small town allows golf carts as well.
Problem is, NIGGERS.

Ive ridden the bus in large cities, and its full of niggers and homeless. See most big cities give out free bus passes to niggers and homeless, kinda like EBT.
Homeless have lots of parasites, scabbies, bedbugs, fleas, etc. They sit around in the AC of the bus and move around the town spreading disease.

I really hope this guy gets to experience 2 large niggers fighting, the bus pulling over to wait for cops, while other nogs jump in and create a riot. Then missing your appointment time because you didnt make the transfer to the next bus.

You want to make inner city movement easy? Small pods on rails, with no driver, traveling at high speeds. Sure lots of people will die but like i said before, mostly niggers ride the bus anyway

>Social media
If it didn't exist, that faggot would just drive to the graduation since no one would see him take the bus nor care

If touching kids can make them gay doesn’t that mean that sexuality is not in-born and heterosexuality really is a social construct?

I worship not being in close proximity to garnigs

>gets stabbed by a random bigger crackhead
Nothing personnel kid

>why do people who swim with great whites worship shark cages

Walking or riding a bike fat ass


Nope consider the toll paid

>transform American cities
The cars in the city are not driven by people who live in it. And that's for a reason.

Niggers stole your bike and can outrun them regardless

If sexuality is fluid then would you object to conversion therapy to turn gays straight?

Ahh, the old "I'm gonna FORCE people to adopt my Ideas" instead of winning them over with ample demonstration of the EFFICACY of his ideas, IF ANY.

FUCK YOU KID and your empty rhetoric

Imagine deciding you want to eat out tonight.
>I get in my car and go there
You meanwhile have to walk to the bus stop, wait, get on the bus, wait till it arrives at the transfer station, wait, get on another bus, wait, get off at bus stop, walk to restaurant.
I would be done eating and back in my car by then.

Cars = Freedom of movement.
Its why commies want to ban cars, ban gas no freedom to move, means you are stuck in the city. Not hard to see.

> If a nigger could set you on fire and melt your skin off does that make skin a social construct

He's probably gonna end up with a shitty low paying job because he was too much of a brainlet for mechanical or electrical engineering.

You waste more time because ther are million of morons like you that produces traffic jams

He'll be murdered by some schizo that should be in a mental institution, but at least he'll be murdered on public transport

I just want to be reincarnated as Adrian Reynard so I can design and build my own race cars. It's a simple wish, inshallah. The faggot in the OP seems like the hell to my wish.

overground trains that are bicycle friendly are probably the best but these are only really usable in urban environs.

aka nigger infested environs I'll never live in

sorry /thread

There are people in the cars you dumb nigger. They don't want to spend hours trying to get 20 miles across the shit city.
It didn't even cross his mind how to make the new system kike and feral proof.

civil engineer is the retard version of mechanical engineer

So because China and India couldn't keep their populations at a reasonable level and are basically breeding like wild animals without the infant mortality rate to keep things in check, I have to take the bus?

Yeah it has nothing to do with the bus having to stop far more often.

I go on walks for fun but that's not practical for grocery shopping or going to work. More than half of my days at work I have my entire truck bed full of material. I also don't pay for gas, insurance, or maintenance on my work truck. Sometimes I have to pay for parking but I get reimbursed after I turn in the recipient with my time card.

Insurance and registration, oil change is about all you pY for most Texans, non of that other crap unless you choose to for a little convince, and still after age 25 it's not that expensive. But then again for most foreign fags 3000sq ft house are a mystery as well.

>t. bumpkin that has never lived in a city with mass transit
You can have traffic jams on transit too, dumbass.

to to today, junior!

Heterosexuality is inborn as a means of driving reproduction, homosexuality is a conditioned fetish and could not possibly be an inherited trait for obvious reasons