Exo-Globohomo Infrastructure

Given that disconnecting from the system and refraining from the political dialectic is the only reasonable way forward, how does the dissident right form it's own networks and infrastructure, both physical and virtual? I see places like Odysee as the way forward. Trad communes come next.

Attached: hqdefault-1765353609.jpg (480x360, 14.58K)

The Ethnoclaves are coming when the US falls

decentralized is the way.

>Le blockchain
Imagine all your videos gone because they depend on market fluctuation on a very volatile asset. Don't link data to volatile assets.

Nothing is guaranteed. The more experiments we have running the better.

Just make videos or documents and seed them for others to torrent.

That logo is kind of sus

their TOS is garbage.
it's only a matter of time until they ban everyone.
already nearly banned martinez. told him to delete all his omegle videos.

TOR, self hosting is easy as fuck and your ISP can not block it. All the dark web talk is disinfo to discourage you and keep you on the google censored web. IRL no one cares about your shitty blog and your bland political hot takes.

Remember to only be a TOR relay and not a EXIT node.
If you are a exit node you will relay TOR traffic to the clear web and anything illegal will be on you.
If you are a relay node you only relay packets with in the TOR network keeping it anonymous.

Its not 2001 nigger. Get real

>Use centralized censored systems which you have no control over, because get with the times grandpa.
You know the very protocols such as TCP is still being used from it's creation of 1974?

I'm watching Salty Cracker on Odysee. Funny dude!

I wish it was tho

When I find a cool video I want to watch on odysee it never loads. It's the same shit as YouTube.


cd /etc/tor
sudo nano torrc
add or uncomment:
ExitPolicy reject *:*

Odysee is good.
Bitchute now blocks content if its forbidden in your country.

You can share NatSoc stuff in my country, there is now law agains that. But bitchute redistrict the content in my "region"

own payment processor is reqired.
globohomo can still shut sites down easily

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Hmm. This happens at Bitchute for me. Never had this problem at odysee.

Bitchute even blocks Mr.Bond sounds kek. Not that i listen to this music like i listen to other music.

Can I say nigger on Odysee?

Yes and remember odysee is just a frontend for the LBRY protocol.
The LBRY protocol is not censorable but odysee may be in the future.
So remember that.

I wanted to start live streaming on there but I need to stake 50 LBRY in my account to do so. And at the time the link to buy LBRY and wasn't even working. sad.