Why are women naturally more left wing/ liberal?

Is it their biology?

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Because they are the weaker sex and are used to be taken care of. They foolishly believe the government can do as good of a job as a good man.

Bscause theyre stupid children.

Looks like walking vanereal disease receptacle.

>Is it their biology?
No, it's their stupidity.

hi user, it's because women are stupid and do whatever some jew flavor of the month on the TV or internet tells them to do

Women are extremely traditional, tell me of a single modern behavior from women that didn't happen in the cavemen days

theyre functionally retarded and mentally children

They make decisions by concensus, and liberals own the media. Women think everyone else is liberal and in so thinking make it so. Only autists and men make decisions based on the observable world women, no so much.

Their brains are smaller. So yes it is biological.



Weak and submissive

Appeal to emotion works on them because they are emotional children.


It's what's trendy so naturally they have to follow every popular thing no matter how dumb it is. If right wing were the popular thing they'd be following that too.

They evolved to care and parasitize not to rule and produce

women are compassion fags. instead of having a strong mental fortitude and a moral code or system, they are fickle with ever changing personalities that will change at will to associate with the host male they are in the closest proximity to.

self interest and weak men

Women are more naturally mentally ill.

Lack of right hooks for last 60 or so years

Because left wing isn't even a political stance or ideology from what I can tell by looking at America. The right seems like your standard stuffy old politicians that everyone has come to expect from governments. The left just looks like blatant retards with no form or function. Obviously it is going to be full of women

Kind of, they are plenty loyal tradwifes to old rich businessman

Because the Jews purposely aggravate and pervert the natural empathetic, sympathetic and nurturing nature of womankind. Women are typically more inclined to be considerate of people’s feelings and well being, especially children and the weak. So when you take into account that practically everything the Jewish media puts out has an air of sympathy or pity, women latch onto it.

Men have nothing to do with it, unless they actually actively make themselves close to men
Men in the end do nothing to their whims, women are caretakers as well as power hungry people just with vaginas.

Women have no country and nation, all women are sisters and a single family.

Borders and nations are created by patriarchal men to divide the women.

Ethnos is not a natural union of a man and a woman, but, on the contrary, an artificial construct built on the social coercion of a group of women by a group of men.

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My grandmother was a dentist and basically one of the best in her field in the whole country. She was serving people around her even when they didn't have money to pay. She is a much better person then you OP.

You stupid fucking fuck. Girls are the coolest thing ever. The problem is you, that's why you are jaded cus they don't want to fuck you.

Now go read some PUA articles.

I wouldn't know.

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Women simply support whatever the predominant ideology of the time is. Once America falls into Caesarism you can expect every woman in America to become a hardcore conservative.

The internet itself is more feminine in it's disposition and operation. Women are argumentative, vindictive and petty, and their main tactic is to destroy the reputation of and isolate those they dislike.

Men are more physically intimidating, even though it rarely comes to blows these days, the threat of violence is always there. But this mode of operation is not just forbidden online, it's impossible, so the only thing left is to adopt female attack strategies in order to dominate online. This is one reason the feminization of men is taking place on such a massive scale.

The left is a crow who will fly up the asshole of a dead cow in order to reach the gut with less work. It's a perfect match for females and males who are no longer fit to be called male. Since the internet dominates practically every aspect of modern society, it is only natural that things devolve in the way they are now.