Why is Holocaust the hill that many on Any Forums choose to die on?

Why is Holocaust the hill that many on Any Forums choose to die on?
In terms of history, denying Holocaust is the equivalent of suggesting Earth is flat.
You can debate numbers, even justification for it, but it's an event that literally involved thousands of people in terms of planning and organization, and hundreds of thousands when it came to execution.
Despite the efforts to maintain secrecy, shitload of Germans knew Jews were being killed in the East, they just didn't know the details or the scale.

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>red cross said it didn't happen
>brit intelligence said it didn't happen
>US army said it didn't happen
>germans said it didn't happen
>the germans who confessed did so after "extreme genital torture"
>thousands upon thousands of jews caught lying about their accounts
>the only "verified source" was the commies and everybody knows commies lie


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Why make a Holocaust thread? Jew?

Tell us their names, places/dates of birth and occupations then, just like we can do with our war dead. If you can so confidently say 6 Million Jews died, you must know who they were...

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The opposite, you have to be a massive retard to believe in that lie. It didnt happen but they deserved it.

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When your story can't even bare the weight of basic logistics or thermodynamics, it's a shitty narrative.

> literally involved thousands of people in terms of planning and organization, and hundreds of thousands when it came to execution
Where are the documents? Surely an operation this size would require reports and reports. Yet none exist.
Why are the infamous death camps only behind the iron curtain, where the Western Allie’s were not allowed to inspect, but had to take the word of communist (read: Jew) Soviet Union?
Literally any scrap of proof would be appreciated because then I might be able to leave this place.

I'm only gonna address ''Jews lying'', yeah, shitty people were lying to get money or other stuff.
That doesn't mean it didn't happen. It happened. Not a single German who was involved denied it basically, many just pretended they had nothing to do with it or that they didn't know. Extreme genital torture? Half the people who were at Wannsee Conference didn't even get a wrist slap, and post-war German conduct was white-washed to an extensive degree because Germany was projected as a bulwark against communism. That's how the guy who directed slave labor built you rockets to go the to Moon.

Why can't you people support Nazi Germany as a full package, that is Jews are deported or killed, Slavs are made slaves...ideology you support never existed. German fight for ''Europe'' was a fight for Europe where Germans are masters of it. It's not ''white nationalism'' you Americans talk of.

7 million jews were killed, those holocaust survivors didn't get enough in reparations if you ask me. Should have done more for the 8 million survivors, I agree, but I guess they had to rebuild most of europe after some goyim got blown up during the war. The 9 million survivors were very generous to not demand more than they did.

The definition of Holocaust is one more death of unwanted kikes by a lawful government than perished during and after WW2. Words matter!

Show nose

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>give me a list of 6 million names or 2 TB of documentation right now or you're wrong
You're being...Jewish.

Death to kikes

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Death to kikes

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Please don’t include me in your low effort response. I asked for even a shred of evidence, not a book of names. You haven’t been able to refute a single point in this thread.

Nice bad faith argument, shill. Maybe spend some of your shekels on a decent length of rope.

>Not a single German who was involved denied it basically
Yeah when you are tortured you will say anything, how is that hard to understand? Say what the jews want or get tortured, ofcourse they choose to not be tortured