Diversity Is Our Strength. Teens Just Having Fun


Attached: Mob of 100 Dindus Riots in Family Restaurant.webm (640x360, 1.04M)

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Honkaloids too cucked by Cuckstianity to do anything to their pet monkeys

a nigger ran restaurant was destroyed by niggers how is that my problem?

I've always believed that fun should be illegal

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I wish Jews were fun

>niggers are destroying their own kind
I just don't get it anymore. Even wild animals seem more rational.

Did they refuse them their purple drank?

Attached: 1635889758395.webm (460x458, 2.94M)

It's your country. But I guess you can cope. Because... Niggers are America's gods. Americans fear niggers like a mortal would fear God. They're not allowed to curse or speak ill of niggers, like how you mustn't blaspheme God or take His name in vain. They devote entire institutions in academia and media to remind themselves of their sins against niggers and beg for mercy, like you'd beg God for forgiveness for your sins. The only landmarks and monuments they're allowed to revere are parks, schools and statues dedicated to famous niggers, immortalized in marble like gods. While their ancestors expressed devotion to gods through offerings of food and drink, present-day Americans created food stamps for niggers for this very purpose. Jesus gets two annual days of reverence, while niggers get an entire month plus MLK's birthday. Americans prostrate themselves in the streets to appease niggers. This is because nigger worship is the official religion of America.

Imagine living among those niggers, kek. Why do you do this to yourself, mutt?

>the nig throwing the chair at the end getting a bike in the face

Christianity might as well be a jewish nuke. Fuck that religion and fuck christkikes

if that hog's hair was real, it should be in flames, no?
that looks fun

Death to kikes


Attached: christurds-are-retards.png (1003x607, 241.26K)

Ah yes, the usual teenigger suspects


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i wonder if insurance companies have a codeword to disguise their nigger data

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Imagine armed officers with AR-15's and stun grenades opening fire on the criminals once they are all trapped inside the building. Imagine they have no concern for the owners of the building nor the criminals as they mow every single one of them down. Imagine that the media writes it off as, "Small disturbance quelled by local Force Troops." This is our future.

Magic missile does force damage not fire.

Attached: I Cast Magic Missile.webm (640x360, 1.55M)

jews don't have humor only spite which they confuse for humor

maybe they're stealing food because they're hungry

>being a business owner in the year 2022 in the niggerlicious states of amerimutt without owning a firearm

I wouldn't open a business in the USA without a thick wall of bullet-proof glass between My employees and the wild hordes.

Death to kikes

Yes thank god you’re in a safe country like Mexico and you don’t have to worry about crime


Attached: kek.gif (400x206, 1.76M)

Christianity to a nation is what AIDS is to a human, it shuts down the immune system. Minor issues that would normally be no threat (common colds, low IQ brown "immigrants") become able to kill the body

Yep same I'd have the place built like a fortress with at least 3 foot concrete re-enforced walls and thick ballistic plated windows

Cartels follow simple rules and codes, don't fuck around with them, and you're fine. Meanwhile 40+ million niggers be like: webm related;

Attached: BLACK_FRIDAY_SALE.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

Blacks folks destroying a black owned business.

Are they able to think about the future at all? Even 10 minutes into the future? Or is everything a reaction to an impulse?

Attached: shopaisle.webm (360x640, 1.96M)

it's completely different.
here if I set up a business, and it starts doing good, I'll have to pay the cartel a fee,
in the USA any roaming gang of feral beasts can fuck you up.

Death to kikes

this, niggers putting up with other niggers is pottery

Attached: 3C39A3B1-C79F-4986-90F1-B5EFC1B16619.gif (498x258, 1.07M)

>Blacks folks destroying a black owned business.
Many such cases.

Attached: BLM_BigWig_Business.jpg (1944x2800, 2.5M)

Niggers follow simple rules and codes, don't fuck around with them, and you're fine. Meanwhile 40+ million spics be like: webm related

>Niggers follow simple rules and codes, don't fuck around with them, and you're fine
cope more retard, i hope you get shot by a coon

Attached: niggers__.webm (960x720, 3M)

You could just shoot them the same way we shoot cartel members who try that shit over here.

Niggers and cartels are quite literally cut from the same cloth. You’re bragging about allowing your niggers to take advantage of you.

Death to kikes

Attached: BlackMind.png (697x8275, 1.99M)

it’s like Star Kangz

>Philly teens
>Jamaican restaurant
>German town
Focus people FOCUS!

says the stupid chink simping for cartels as if cartels aren’t LITERALLY NIGGERS themselves.

>You’re bragging about allowing your niggers to take advantage of you.
t. niggers literally run your country

Attached: BLACKED_House.jpg (1024x1044, 483.79K)

>Cousin owns a convenience shop in west London
> It's a steel cage customers walk into and then point to what they want
>There's no way through the cage, you have to access the back of the shop via his house which, if you can believe it, has another steel cage around the front door

I ask him why he would put up living in such miserable conditions, he says niggers always buy the same stuff and it's a reliable income. Menthols, Malt beer, sweets/chocolate, smoking paraphernalia. He earns a lot of money and is the only store that has not been robbed. Niggers spit at him sometimes or throw things at the cage, he laughs at them and makes monkey sounds, sometimes puts bananas in the buying chute for their kids. they always take the bananas.

ok spic

Just having innocent fun

Attached: 1618306422376.webm (480x600, 1.91M)

>Niggers follow simple rules and codes
>Gibs me dat fo free
>If I can't carry it Imma fuck it up.

Attached: 1621646259628.webm (720x540, 2.72M)

>In a surprise statement, the worker revealed this: "I am forgiving them and they must get their live together because they are going down the wrong road."

The christcuck strike again

>muh chink
alas the double digit iq goyimutt reveals his true intellectual form, hola amigo nigger

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