Are you afraid yet Any Forums?

Are you afraid yet Any Forums?

Attached: 1656050092872.png (583x310, 38.32K)

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ooga booga

I want to ooga booga on a farm.

Ooga booga?

Yes that's what you sound like.

>opinion discarded

>ooga booga
Wait, are feminists racists now?

*begins to blush*
Oh you ~

Feminism rests on the open hand of patient men.
The day they push too far, and the majority of men are fed up,
ultraviolence will show them how reality works.

Death to kikes

can any simp tell me if he honestly
believes that a female society would have
come up with the concept of free speech?

not that a german one would have

>women not superior
Shouldn't that be the normal position not the "anti-feminist" one?

Ooga Boogaloo!

Is it true? Is feminism, as a movement, officially dead?

> women not superior

this is fake

but lol

Attached: 1659840956622502.jpg (570x596, 426.29K)

called the niggers of gender for a reason.

Freedom of speech is womanly. The enlightenment was the worst thing to happen to humanity.

so anyway i started blasting

No, you WILL fear women.

I ooga boogad your mom

damned leafs, always beyond retarded.
I say what I want, when I want to,
because I fear no-one.
there's no repercussion worse than self-censoring.
females live in fear, so they have to couch what they say depending on the audience.
just kill yourself.

Death to kikes

I've never encountered a female that could debate Me.
I doubt I'll ever find a female that would make Me fear for My physical safety, not even vidrel.
females respect Me, or fear Me, in the end, they do as I say.

Death to kikes

Attached: bigbertha.webm (720x720, 2.92M)

Woah feminism is dying because a bunch of TwatterBots said so! Fuck off with the screencap threads.

Attached: 1637857572589.webm (696x522, 1.72M)