Internet search results are systematically being results are being censored

This should come as no surprise to many of you, but information control is a real thing and it's been rolled out. You may have noticed that people keep parroting the same retarded shit more and more nowadays, and I believe this is part of the reason:

>Go to google, bing, yahoo etc. (any big search engine)
>Type in any politically controversial search query, such as "abortion", "climate change", "january 6" etc
>scroll down, go to the last possible page it lets you go to and repeat until the results stop
>the search result count at the top of the page will now shrink from millions to a couple hundred
>at the bottom of the page, the search engine will say that it has omitted some search results, but will allow you to search again without the omissions
>repeat the steps and go to the final results page, the count will change from millions to hundreds again
>the only links you will see are MSM and twitter/faceberg posts

Try it with fucking anything, the same will happen regardless.
The public is being manipulated into thinking they have access to everything, the whole picture, when in reality only pre-selected, safe opinions will appear. We are officially in a dystopia

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Other urls found in this thread:

Big search engines have been useless for years due to SEO. It's harder to find shit online than it's ever been. Try looking up a recipe for grandma's lasagna. You can't find one that isn't a web2.0 SEO optimized blog with popovers and a video ad.

Not bad for a hippie.

>dusturbing proof theyre quietly deleting the internet,

Search results have been woke for a few years, but let me try it your way, OP.
BRB Googling.

Create your own search engine?
Oh wait thats kinda hard.
Just cry about it instead I guess.

shouldnt come as surprise indeed

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>deleting the internet
Link rot is a topic of academic study. I've been here since Eternal September and almost nothing I used in the first years has survived. The oldest post I can find of myself is from 1997. It's not a conspiracy. The internet isn't forever. What survives is what you choose to save, archive, and curate.


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Apparently Google only gives you 300 to 400 search results.
Pic related.
Link related too:

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Sad. All those shit posts from the Civil War Era are now gone. I have family that fought in the Confederacy and all of their shit posts have been deleted. Many of Shakespeare's posts on Any Forums have been erased too.

Any Forums hosts the Data Hoarder General, not Any Forums.

I was around when the google bomb happened.

Now it feels like I dreamed it, so weird.

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digging more and searching more just tells you more

What's the most uncucked search engine? I'm currently using Yandex, but it's a bit retarded, not that Google is any better these days.

Yandex is the best that I found so far too

google search has become useless garbage in general. if you are looking for some computer troubleshooting you will get 3 pages of ai created useless articles from websites that each copy their articles from other generated content. its garbage, their algorithm is getting played hard

Search engines have been doing this since the mid 00's. The old internet is dead and buried

I remember clicking that next button countless times and spending many hours just to find that obscure little niche thing. Like a digital paleontologist. And yes it did pay off. Website change over the years and things get lost though. At least we have the internet archive.

However it is obvious as fuck google and other platforms don't like golddiggers and only let you see what they want you to see.
>Information warfare

I keep refreshing this page, hoping that someone will post something.

You know when you search for something and 87 bajillion things pop up, yeah that's an error. there should only be one result.

Same. This topic is wildly interesting to me.

>guys look at the evil the Jews are doing
yes we know we know