Why is every single baby black? What the fuck?

Why is every single baby black? What the fuck?

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the nigger fairy turns bad babies black

predictive programming look it up

white people don't make children so they can't find any
that or no white people are morally deprived enough to make money out of their baby

they're clearly half black


because you bought baby supplies that had black babies on them. Who cares? is a black person supposed to feel bad for buying a product with a white baby on it? stop whining.

There is no such thing as half black

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Replacement immigration neuf

Every single baby is black because most kids are black in your cunt

thats a mutt

they look black to me. You new worlders are so fucking weird. Do it has clearly African features and dark skin? Yes. Its black. Not hard to tell.


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Only in america

>Just let white people be erased and replaced slowly from every inch of society goy

Shut the fuck up and hang yourself, worthless fucking kike. Get off my fucking board.


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I would let my baby shit all over the carpet before id buy nigger diapers. "Where are the diapers?". "They only had nigger diapers, get the shampooer out"

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Bwhahaha. I find this shit to be so amusing.


whine whine whine. that's all you do. all over some pictures of black babies on diaper packages. pathetic.

Kool-aid Niggers aren't at replaceable levels either and they abort theirs before these companies can even make a sale. Marketing isn't even trying.

Whine whine whine, thats all you do, over diapers with pictures of human white babies.

i don't, actually. i don't care what color the babies are because i'm not retarded

They say "We need diversity in advertisements." The problem with that is that advertisements are all done by different companies and people, so they aren't all coordinating to make sure that, say, 30% of all people in ads are minorities. So to make sure they're "doing their part" they have to round up that 30% to 100% because there aren't many people in ads to begin with.

Retards don't care about anything, because they're retards. Nobody wants to see niggers on anything. If I see a nigger I'm not buying it. I will only accept it if the chimpanzee babies are on only 13% of the products, kept separate, and behind lock and key.

You would be surprised as how few major advertising firms exist
>or how creative they are

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this, but unironically

because your country worships niggers, in my country all baby products have pictures of white kids

White people existing is a Any Forumstardian psyop. Everyone is different shades of brown and always has been.

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White people are fucking retarded.

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