15MW wind turbines - is this the real change?

If you build 100 of those, you rival 1 nuclear power plant. If you built 1000, you could power NYC.

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Or just build 10 power plants to power NYC

I want New York to be turned into Mega City 1.

The problem is energy storage and burst capacity.

Also, why the fuck did they build The Shard? London, a beautiful city displaying Victorian relics, and they build modernist shit and fuck up the aesthetic.

you need 100 of those gigantic engineering nightmares, chewing up birds at unimaginable rates, to equal just one simple nuke plant like we've been building for most of a century?

jesus christ, i can't imagine a better advertisement for nuke plants

I thought wind turbines were useless eyesores. I don't care enough to research this, can someone spoonfeed me?

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shut up kike

Its called capitalism

"New good. Old bad. Even though old is what draws in so many tourists and is a part of our identity." - Some absolute retard in bong land, probably.

The earth would start spinning too fast

> The problem is energy storage and burst capacity

Build hydrogen electrolyse plants powered by wind power. The hydrogen can be used to power cars and trains and ships… and act as a giant 24hr battery.

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Battery & Hydrogen

ABO Wind develops and implements battery projects and hybrid energy systems that combine solar and/or wind energy with battery storage or hydrogen electrolysis, thus enabling a secure, climate-friendly energy system. The combination of the four technologies coupled with our technical and commercial experience makes us the ideal partner for innovative renewable energy projects.

I know germans love putting extremely ugly shit all over their extremely ugly countryside, but try to stop being a masochistic retard for once and THINK.

Putting this SHIT in your country is a massive insult against humanity

> chewing up birds at unimaginable rates

The large ones don’t real chew up birds because they are too big. Birds can see them and fly below them.

God just imagine how cataatrophically that will inevitably fail


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Isn't tidal energy way more reliable and why haven't they doubled down in wave power compared to a mild breeze the we just need a means to store said energy generated

Imagine sheer difficulty of constructing mechanism of that size, with 100m long levers constantly under strain. Can steel even handle loads like these or it needs mystery sci fi materials to not come apart?
Regardless, it will be way harder and more resource intense to run, than nuclear plant.

>the Shard

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All running on coal and oil. Lmao.

Communism faggots with a fetish for postmodernism (and fucking young children) is why.

I sincerely hope you germans starve and freeze to death this winter.
You are a retarded species of 60s hippie Green energy utter morons, and you do not deserve to have security, basic amenities or a good future.

Carbon fibre

The need more buildings in London and they can't build anything of beauty. That's all modernism is, a lack of beauty. They pretend it's a choice but they couldn't build St Paul's even if they had all the money in the world.

Blame Norman Foster

How much energy efficiency you'd think you will lose on that shit, compared to directly powering things by electricity that this installation produces? Even storing energy in flywheels seems to make way more sense.

Maybe you should have taken a different VPN, Ivan

The British really did run a beautiful country. They made North America a white man's land, brought relics from all over the world to museums in London, Through mercantilism they made the goods from all over the world available right there in England. They built probably the best suburban culture and modern cities ever seen since the invention of agriculture, and then they were fucked by Rothschilds and Jews. Not that the former isn't the latter, but it's a big enough thing that it deserves it's own mention. Fuck, why did it all come crumbling down? Why didn't anybody say anything? Did anybody say anything? What was their names?

40% loss max

modernism is a lack of specificity. the problem with building something classically english is that it's not inclusive; it comes from a specific history, a specific place and time and people. they don't like building things that require a specific cultural context to appreciate anymore, especially if that cultural context is too white, they like building anachronistic things that everybody is equally distant from.

Where the fuck are you going to put 1000 sky scraper size wind turbines???

or you could just, y'know, build a nuclear plant

>not shown, the 400M crane with enough power to lift the blades in place
also those blades would have to be built in segments. As of now they have to modify intersections to move those blades around with the exception of wide roads

If only I could think of two wars where they conciosusly made that choice

Off shore 50 miles North of Germany

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Wind turbines are fetishes. Like the totem poles of an older faith tradition, they are votives of the new religion. Monuments to globalist hubris, the "next generation" of gargantuan eyesores will reach ever higher in exactly the way European cities used to compete to raise the steeples of their cathedrals ever closer to the God Europeans used to believe in.

Centuries of kike subversion have sapped the old faith of its vitality, and now insane atheistic gypsies are the power elite of our once-Christian lands. Their nouveau paganism is no better -- indeed, it is no different -- from the reeking altars of savages made from old gazelle bones. Where the pygmy dances naked before his altars in the jungle, and the Sumerian used to stand agape at the majesty of his stone idols, the New Liberal Mxn will genuflect toward his empty icons by smirking inwardly every time he passes by a 666-metre-tall abomination. Its height, he will reflect with something similar to old-fashioned sexual gratification, will always be expressed in metric units, the language of science.

And lurking in the shadows, like the Old Believers, will be men like me. Relics of a better age, who still secretly worship in the ancient manner and who will be hunted for the crime of making Liberalistifarians inwardly feel as retarded as they look to outsiders.

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it needs mystery scifi metal to work.
existing turbines need carbon fiber blades and aluminum towers just to not collapse under their own weight which makes them insanely expensive and drives up the cost of the commodities in other projects.

>t.windfarm industry dude
I have been involved with multiple farms going up. They are fucking garbage. The answer is Nuclear power and tank-to-combustion hydrogen for cars. The amount of waste and deterioration windmills have is far more than a nuclear reactor will generate over 20 years

wind turbines cause global warming.
how many times do I have to tell you faggots that?
the disturbance in the airflow they create raises the temperature, and changes the climate.
Fuck you nigger faggots.

this too, existing turbines are bird-killing machines.
the blade tip speeds can be in excess of 150km/h and once a bird dies it DRAWS IN MORE BIRDS who come to feast on the carcasses

They still had it for 20 years after WW2. I'm aware of the evils of British intervention, but they still had the things I admired until around the 60s and 70s, when the worst fucking generation to ever exist in Britain came up and did drugs and hated their parents and wanted communes and all sorts of stupid fucking shit. Oh now I get it, that's why people hate American boomers. I guess I just had to look at it from a different perspective.

>just build this and that and more
Just build the nuke Franz.

Ahhh fuck I'm gonna..


You fool… you will use up all the wind

This. What will we do to blow up women's skirts?

Attached: Wind-Generation-Temperature-Map-Harvard-Study-in-Joule.png (933x837, 887.97K)

based Ken

Krautism ruins everything. Just build the fucking nuclear plants.

Fucking retarded idea there's no way you are really german