Scotland cut down 14 million trees to make way for wind turbines

Too bad wind power doesn't work,and it's bad for animals like the shit lithium battery cars. These people suck.
Scotland cut down 14 million trees to make way for wind turbines
How to stop the globohomo before he kills us all
And the thing that really bites is cold fusion is here. How do we invest in this shit and promote it. Fuck wind farms.
Learn How LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction) Can Power The Future
The Tiny, Simple Nuclear Reactor That Could Change Energy

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Wednesday nights I get to stay up late
Watch Kenny Omega while I masturbate
Hey Mom I need to watch this show
Meltzer says I'm in the key demo
Meltzer says I'm in the key demo

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Fuck nature, cut down all the trees, gas all bees, napam the amazon, fish the oceans dry, kill all whales, destroy the ozon layer, pollute the ocean, FUCK EARTH AND FUCK HUMANITY

Nice thread here's a bump, looks like you brought in all the shillbots OP

You have to wonder how stupid you have to be to try to reduce carbon emissions with green energy then go and cut down 14 million trees.

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What is funny is that I knew what it would come down to at the first line.
It's funny and sad at the same time because from pattern exposure alone I can smell their arguments before they get to the point to deduce what they want to talk about.

Fuck you conservabots
I adhere to whatever can go wrong will go wrong and the only valid nuclear is nuclear for weapons so that nations with nuclear cannot threaten you. Quebec sells hydro electricity surplus to you coal burning retards

wind turbines are literally dystopian nightmare tier flagpoles

>As a good merrymcchem who spices his food with tartrazine powder, I like me a good nuclear reaction chimney like the Simpsons :)

Progressives progress no matter what. They never cared.

Do they ever dig up fossils or discover hidden history?
They can't just chop down trees and not add a wind turbine in a day...

>14 million trees
WTF, the UK barely even has forests
environmentalism is such a faggy ploy

white men thrive in nature, brownoid. go back to india

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>lithium batteries

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Not gonna lie.You're a current retard with your copy pasta on every thread. GTFO with this glowie shit.

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Cold fusion is now known as LENR and the reactor is the size of a toaster oven and can power your house for 30 years on a pint of water. No emissions,no radioactivity.It was really invented in 1989 and was ridiculed as fake,till the Navy resurrected the project and it turns out cold fusion is real. Globohomo called it a conspiracy theory.

Your Mom sounds nice ...

wanna bet the turbine investors invested in that deforestation.

Save the Trees, Eat more Cows

I guess they couldn't see the forest for the trees.