Stop thinking, it's for your own good

Stop thinking, it's for your own good.

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They are just jealous of my constant stream-of-consciousness inner monologue. I think it this monologue is an evolutionary advantage to enable multitasking and observation of possible threats on multiple criteria.

Whites dont have to worry about this
they just do whatever jews tell them to

I want to fuck it.

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Why would they be jealous of their most clever slave?

Stop thinking, start acting
Every opportunity not taken is something extra for you to marinate on your own inaction

>experts claim

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Media hype like this probably causes latent schizophrenics to snap

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oh fuck, brain user bros we got too cocky?
niggers and women win again it seems

Of course you didgeriDO

Overthinking just keeps me awake at night and I always end up with 2-4 hours of sleep before work.

Holy shit I just got tired thinking about how much of a faggot OP is.

lets talk about the 7 kikes who just got shot instead

thats just the science juice

the sleepyposters were just trying to protect our brains

do not think or clots might form in your brain

Why does knowing more than your particular career path allows for or requires matter so much to you? What value does it have to society? None. It's not like your kids learn anything from you since our great government teaches them everything they have to know, and it means that bigoted thoughts can't be passed down. This is a lot of thinking for me and technically, it shouldn't be allowed, but as long as there are racists like you, I will have to think extra hard to help society get rid of your wrong thoughts. Tbh if we all only knew what we needed to know to get our jobs done and then went home just to unwind, sleep and maybe watch some Netflix, I think the world would be a much happier place. This isn't Greece a thousand years ago! We have everything we need so thinking is dumb.

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Um no sweaty she was actually from New Zealand so that doesn't really work. Points for trying though lmao better luck next time!

Giving a cartoon reptile female eyelashes has such a massive impact