
Attached: Screenshot 2022-08-13 10.23.03 PM.png (491x588, 209.26K)

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Go ahead and explain it.

The fake jew system that suppresses PMs is collapsing. They just don’t want to get caught with their pants down like Canada

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china is having a real estate crisis, people have paid large amounts of money for houses that dont even exist yet, many people then went and demanded their money from the banks and it led to a bank run. they are trying to make aggressive interventions to stop it from crashing their economy

>Peter, for one, has given up on starting his own business and buying a BMW 5 series after construction on his 2 million-yuan ($300,000) home in Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province, was halted by China Aoyuan Group. He is now saddled with a mortgage that’s eating up 90% of his disposable income on a home he may never see.

>“I know every investment comes with a risk and you pay the price for your own choices,” Peter said, asking not to have his full name or any personal details used for fear of reprisal. “But homeowners aren’t the ones to blame and shouldn’t bear the consequences.”


/SETF/ warned you and you had a year to stack.
Hope you have enough PMs

Same thing is happening in Canada

Evergreen (I think that's the name, can never remember) crashing was a known first domino. The rest will fall too.
And not only in China. Lot's of foreign "investors" in this market. Can't wait

the thing with china is that chinks are dumb enough to pay huge mortgages on houses that havent even been built. in most of these cases the works isnt even actively being done, lol

A lot of Chinese money in Canada too. Wouldn't be surprised if a shit load of economies get raped by the dumbasses leading the Chinese economy.

>is this the end of the US dollar
Based antisemitism

no trading precious metals on paper? hmm...

The chinks are doing the exact same thing in canada

Same thing is happening in Australia

Oh shit so it's happening finally?

They also used these not built homes as assets to borrow money to sell and not build more homes. Now every chink real estate company did this. West Taiwan jewd itself.

Give it to me straight, will this finally end the FED like what the silverfaggots have been screaming about finally? Or is it in the traditional schedule of 14 days?

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If only the threads weren't pruned and deleted every day except Saturday

looks like December 13 will be a fun day in the U.S

Dont know if this will end the fed but theres about to be a hell of a lot less paper silver contracts floating around.

This should make it harder for JPM to manipulate the price of pms down.

preparing avenues of capital that can be used after the war starts

China's up to trying to stall their own economic collapse from the property bubble that makes up 30% of their GDP, their dramatically declining population, their disenfranchised and depressed youth, and the rampant corruption that has gutted their economy. All while their excessive covid restrictions choke out entire cities and thousands of businesses.

If china seems to be acting weird it's because of that shit but also need a distraction from it all.

It means they no longer will hold paper that says “this paper = gold” they’ll instead hold actual Gold.
No more fx manipulation of the price of gold (in theory lol)

keep stacking

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They're going to declare the money gone from the banks, take a few random political prisoners, say they're the bank's leadership, execute the randos, and tell the people bad things happened and justice was served. They must together destroy capitalism as it corrupted the great communist country. Taiwan is capitalist. They must be brought to the one true government and China cannot tolerate any more capitalism scandalous behavior from people like the Taiwanese.