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did you know

in energy and defense sectors chinaman chips are not allowed, because those slanty eye gooks have been caught putting backdoors in everything, including hdmi cables

Not that I want to side with yellow Monkees but so did you guys.
There is not a single piece of Hardware from the us that doesn't have Hardware backdoors.

Isn't that the real reason Huawei is banned in the US?

i work in power plants as a heavy mechanic, and they had me do this trifling job of installing some camera shits everywhere, because the bums were breaking in trying to steal copper

i talked with director bigdick and he said if our regulatory body found out they'd make us rip em down because possible chinamen spies. not sure about us doing it to others, but i wouldn't doubt it

not exactly sure but i know many years ago the DOD trashbin'd thousands of computers they had just bought on contract. i dunno if that was the genesis of it there

That was about the same time as the Huawei ban if I remember right. They even kicked several high-level employees out of the country, and one I think was arrested by Canada The official reason was some bullshit I don't remember, but with all of the computer stuff, along with chinese spies working for politicians, it seemed more likely that the stories about hw backdoors were the real reason

Whatever you do don’t oook into which (((country))) is deep into intel and you here the core code for Microsoft and the defense Jedi contract went goy

>There is not a single piece of Hardware from the us that doesn't have Hardware backdoors.

true that.

yeah i think you're right. and surprise of surprises, the caught more chinamen spies in their rightful home: the democratic party. but the media doesn't like to talk about this, i wonder why. or the chinese and russian agents acting as BLM agitators

As another user posted: look up the IME.
I am not making this up

>because those slanty eye gooks have been caught putting backdoors in everything, including hdmi cables


checking it out
my boss' boss' boss' boss' boss' boss told me at the end of the week. dunno if they're gonna try and dick punch me for this, but whatever. find out who i am

They're underhanded af. Had a TCL smart tv that I got rid of. They cheat often so I hear when it comes to higher education.

welp, you weren't kidding. sorry for the kikepedia link

in a sample of their laptops all of them were found to have call home bullshit installed that made microsoft and facebook look modest.

some ISPs were even having issues with consumers getting them on the internet because the spy stuff was demanding the majority of the connection.

shame considering they had a laptop in 2019 that had default 32 gigs of ram and only cost about 750 bucks.


Oh right nvm

I guess they are a few year behind intel, who can let their back doors sit idle for years and years until they are needed and then they only send the requested information before shutting off again

at least tik tok lets people see funny short videos before taking their information.

Don't you know, Americans view their backdoor as good and democratic while Chinese backdoor are evil and authoritarian.

You do want the good guys to win don't you?

Explains the conflicts between Dronelink and fly I guess

dude, this is nothing unusual. most people get all incredulous if you do something back to them they've done to you like, 'my word how dare you'

they're genuinely unaware and uninvolved in the world about them. exactly why that greyface meme pisses them off so, it's too close to home

>opinion discarded

There are no good guys anymore. We here, we fucking crazy retards on pol, are now the last good guys.

Jup it is scary. I tried to revert back to 2010 tech but it is almost impossible nowadays

Every Intel and AMD chip has hardware backdoors in them too, accessible by the US Government.