Can Any Forums refute this?

Can Any Forums refute this?

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I would refute it by shooting you in the fucking face

When did you decide to become a faggot, op?

I’m tired of refuting.

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Why are abnormals always trying to justify their abnormalities?

dumb thread not bumping it

ah, I see you too have studied under the Marxist amplified works of Maya Angelou.

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God, to procreat
Attracted to women naturally and not raped by another sodomite
Flaunting? I don't have parades with my dick out
That's what groomer pedos do

Agreed. The time for conversation is over; these "people" have no good faith any longer. Perhaps there never was any.

Drip the class and get a refund, file a report for sexual harassment with hate crime modifiers

Male and female sex is how you continue the human race, it's the default way. How did this person become a "professor"?

What do you think caused your bipedalism?

>Can Any Forums refute this?
of course. Gays create more gays by molesting children

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>Can Any Forums refute this?
also 1 post by this Faggot ID

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I won’t refute a schizophrenic telling me the sky is falling, they need to be cured, contained or killed.

>implying that heterosexual people are immediately against LGBTQ+ for the sole reason that they are hetero
Anyone who does this should realize that they are radicalizing right-wingers.

But at this point I don't care.
If the professor wanted to actually benefit gays, they'd KILL ALL HOMOPHOBES AND TRANSPHOBES in their class with a .50 CALIBER

1) biology causes heterosexuality based on the natural instinct to reproduce and continue our species
2) around puberty
3) no
4) for the same reason that homosexuals flaunt their homosexuality as their means of self identification. Why can’t homos just be quiet about being homos?
5) we don’t; it’s the natural order pf things, as nature intended
6) no, because it’s natural.
Your professor is a groomer and should be stripped of his academic status as such. He is perverting the minds of the youth and should be exiled or he should drink hemlock. Faggot.

You cannot create life

Heterosexuality is the default sexuality for humanity. That's why there are 2 sexes, not 87.

Because it's nature's way
Anything else is abnormal
We will tolerate it to a point, anything else you're paying with fire

I show them these rat things

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These are the type of stupid ideologically loaded questions that you invent the answers to in a way that ridicules the retard asking them.

For example, answer that you decided to become a heterosexual after you witnessed your cousin get abused by a gay man.

Being heterosexual is good and healthy. It should be shown as a good example for others.

When I wasn't molested into being a faggot
Nope, not a faggot.
Only faggots do that
>seduce others
No need to seduce others into being in their natural state.
Considering fags reproduce through child abuse, that's a laugh.

>being normal
>i didn't i was born as one
>i don't
>we don't
am I doing this right?

My rebuttal is a simple question, how much are you paying to take that class and do you honestly think this is the best use of your time and money?

>What caused your heterosexuality?
Nothing. I was simply never molested.

niggers do in fact tongue my anus

This. Debate time is over.

-The natural inability to procreate as a homosexual. Since my parents were both heterosexual, the genetic odds were very high in my favor.
-When I saw two men kissing and realized I'd rather see maggots eating someone's eyes
-Probably, I hear the sex stops after having children
-I don't. When was the last time you saw me fingering a chick in public? Gay men fisting each other publicly at parades cannot be avoided somehow though.
-I don't. Heteros are the only people who can reproduce.
-I don't. Heterosexuality is simple biological necessity, not a mental illness.

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Nature. All species must breed to continue their species.
I didn't decide something that is instinctual. I want to see my species survive so I must create the next generation.
No, nature requires heterosexual relationships. I may choose to reject nature but that would be for hedonistic and selfish needs.
While I don't flaunt my heterosexual, I do strongly encourage my way of life to continue mankind.
This question is load. To be heterosexual is to accept reality and nature. In contrast, homosexuals cannot reproduce with corrupting and seducing others into their lifestyle.
No, that question is crazy. Why would an individual living by the natural law need therapy to distort the reality of life?

well I mean how else are you gonna procreate. If everyone was naturally a faggot we wouldnt be here.

>bullet point 4
I do not flaunt my heterosexuality nor do I feel the need to parade down the street engaging in degenerate behavior in front of children

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Why do you keep pushing this gay furry webcomic?

Imagine arguing against nature so hard. Even some plants and trees have separate genders and there is no such thing a faggot tree. With out heterosexual sex there would be no humans and no life on earth beyond single celled organisms. Pure delusional mental illness.

>Why do you push your heterosexual lifestyle on others?
Because that's the only way the human race survives, it's the only proper way to live.

I'm heterosexual because I want to actually make kids.

why the fuck does a nigger history teacher care about non-faggots

Because their actual war is with God and Nature.

why would you even humor them by arguing back? tie a noose and crown them with it

Probably a gender studies class lmao

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Zoomie girls that call themselves bi for social media brownie points (while simultaneously only dating men. After they graduate college they stop pretending and just admit they're hetero. That's what we call a phase.

You'd think a professor would understand the idea of false equivalence, but I guess he's more interested about pushing his politics than education.

>square avatars on twitter dot com
This pic is over 7 years old all fields

Ask him what happens when you remove toxic vaccine metals (like mercury) from the bodies of gays.
Also what happens when you do a parasite cleanse w/ gays.

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>Normal functioning of a human being
>I didn't
>I find people like that annoying, doesn't matter if hetero or gay
>The fuck are you talking about stupid nigger
>Have you considered killing yourself?

More like adjunct faculty for a department that will be downsized in the next 5 years.