The irish have been free of british rule for over a hundred years...

the irish have been free of british rule for over a hundred years, yet the majority of irish do not speak their own language

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maybe its a shit language and there are better ones available

Look at the orthography. It was devised by people who were so drunk they couldn't even read or write. It's a shit language.
>mh = v
Fuck off, micks.

>imagine bothering to learn a language that your fav streamers and tiktok stars don't speak
kys boomer

The major push to remove the English from Ireland didn't begin until after the potato famine, by which point the Irish language was well on its way. By the time of the revolution everyone spoke English anyway.

It really is kind of stunning how fast Irish just disappeared, though - but also how much it left behind in the Irish way of speaking English. Phrases like "I've a hunger" are straight out of Irish, which has relatively few verbs and instead expresses a lot of verbs as a noun that you possess. "I've a need", "I've a thirst", etc.

On top of that I'm pretty sure most people who went to school in Ireland will confirm that Irish language teachers seemed to be absolutely determined to make their students hate Irish.

Finally there just wasn't a need to revive it. Hebrew was a dying language outside of religious use prior to the founding of Israel, but when Israel got itself founded it make Hebrew its official language, and Hebrew could serve as a lingua franca for all the Jews from around the world that were coming to Israel. A German Jew and an American Jew and an Italian Jew could all speak Hebrew to some greater or lesser extent.

Conversely Irish is dying as a language but it held no religious significance, and there is a perfectly functional replacement (English) already present that the Irish can use to talk to one another.

Because English is the language of business. So of course all Irish parents want their kids to speak English as a native language. A Celtic language speaking country would be nice in Europe. At least they managed to get the EU to make a translation in Irish for every document they publish.

The Catholic Church promoted English over Irish which is quite he supreme irony.

Why should African kids learn irish? It's hard enough for them to learn English.

What is the extreme Western portion of Ireland like? Is it the most Irish?

Don't be mean, they're black Irish

They should pursue a policy of restoring the Irish language and deprive English of its official status as well as prohibit teaching it in educational institutions. So you guys will be forced to send troops to Ireland for their "denazification".

because we're fucking cucks that's why.
the brits were justified, the irish are fucking retards.
fuck this island and fuck me.

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I like the English language desu. That don't make me a cuck. You can't politicise every aspect of life.

Jesus Christ ! Government of Ireland Act 1914 the home rule act. For more than a hundred years we've been trying to get rid of the fuckers and you want us back in?


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The Irish government have established enclaves within which the language is deliberately preserved. It is very likely that these areas were already rich with speakers, given their predominantly rural nature and relative isolation.

Even remote Gaeltachts are shrinking. Many people living in Gaeltachts don’t even speak Irish and the language is dying. Ireland will be nigger soon and niggers don’t wanna learn Irish.

the aztec have been free of spanish rule for over a hundred years, yet the majority of aztec do not speak their own language

The Irish are culturally suicidal to an extent that makes even the English look like hardcore ultranationalists.

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>the irish have been free of british rule for over a hundred years

>yet the majority of aztec do not speak their own language
Uh, user, 1.7 million people speak Nahuatl i.e. Aztec.

Yours isn't gonna live past the next 50 years.

It's making a comeback. Soon the Anglo will be restricted to just a tiny island in Europe I can't wait

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Because the British made successful efforts to stomp it out while they were still there. Then after they left they remained heavily involved with each other economically which further promoted knowing English for financial benefits. Then the back to back British and American hegemonies made it the lingua franca across the Anglosphere.

>It's making a comeback

Well, Ireland decisively won its struggle for independence already so it has no need to encourage the Irish language in order to use it to bind the country together and serve the needs of nationalism. And at the end of the day, knowing English is just much more useful from a pragmatic point of view than knowing Irish. These are my guesses, anyway.


>Demoralizing statement
It's so easy to spot out you kikes

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Irish nationalists are wankers.
British out but the rest of the world in. I'd prefer Brits here than niggers or euro trash any day. I've met absolute faggots that hate the British rule and the history but on the same breath see a fucking nigger as worthy of living here

>I'd prefer Brits here than euro trash

Are brits not euros? Lol

My plan? Give a hefty 25% tax break to those who can speak Irish fluently, and the gov. goes into full propaganda about how great it is to speak Irish.

The reason it has declined is because people were embarrassed to speak it but speaking any language with confidence is half of what there is to it.