Zoomer here

Zoomer here.

How was the old Internet compared to now?

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bot datamining thread do not reply

The same as everything else with less women, infinitely better

you had to be there. smartphones ruined it all

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Imagine every single youtube channel you went to, was instead a website, with a bunch of images instead of video.

slow and unquantifiable

You know those liminal galleries and videos and threads and shit? The old Internet was an interactive version of that.

It took me half an hour to download a clip of SNL's celebrity jeopardy at College Humor. This was seen as blazing fast back in the day, as cable blew the fuck out of dial up speeds.

The wild west

there were no niggers or women


i miss forums. now all discussions happen on discord or reddit.

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Some basketball game on addictinggames.com had me, well, addicted in between those hardcore college cram sessions, and I don't mean studying.

Literally the wild west. Big tech wasnt a thing and forum boards like Any Forums were the norm for open discussion, anything went as far as whatever you wanted to talk about aside from certain things like cp and other serious crime, censorship was virtually never thought of. It was at its peak until social media came into the picture around 2005, still really good even afterwards though until about 2012 when politics and propaganda really started to explode on social media.

I literally used SS yesterday.

take off the memeflag, retard.
but the old internet was amazing; it was like a wild west of technology. there was zero censorship basically. there were literally hundreds of unique and interesting websites. now it's just a handful of corporations that run everything, but it used to be much, much bigger. from firefly to ICQ, geocities, websites and pages for every hobby and interest, IRC, Kali and Khan for multiplayer PC games since back then there was no built-in lobby/matchmaking.
>tfw you will never go back to 2001 playing EverQuest, Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Counter Strike, Quake 3 Arena, Unreal Tournament with your bros
it hurts so bad sometimes

Well, now you know you're being watched in every way possible so that kills the whole experience of the internet.

Worse on technical grounds. The technology wasn't as good. The graphics weren't as good. Sites took longer to load. Bandwidth was more limited. And nobody, I mean NOBODY, misses dial-up internet.

But it was infinitely better in almost every other regard. The culture was better. The average web browser was better. There were no centralized web sites that monopolized all the web activity. It was free and chaotic and didn't care about normie bs. And that was the stuff that actually mattered, as it turns out.

Forums had a lot smarter dialog back then. Now, any dumb shit with a smart phone can get online and shit up a good thread. I used to learn things from a good online debate with others, sometimes come out of it with changed perspectives. Now, it's like arguing with a wall. A dense, rock filled wall.


After the Smith-Mundt act, it all went to shit. It will continue to do so.

let this thread die

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DAE Netscape Navigator veteran?!?!

supposedly WoW in vanilla made up for over 50% of bandwidth presumably in NA
so it sucked

Everything went wrong with the Western civilization when Windows Longhorn didn't materialize. It was the logical successor of Windows XP. In the end we got Vista instead and everything went down the shitter.

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It was alot closer and friendlier. You could ask for the Anarchists Cookbook and get a copy from someone within minutes and tons of outcasts and freaks from all walks of life populated it. I was penpals with several astronauts for years until they died in the Columbia accident. I met them on a Yahoo message board for ex fighter pilots my grandfather used to have me post on there for him because alot of ex WW2 pilots used to swap stories and find out who shot at who.
It was alot friendlier too and just as knowledgeable. Before Any Forums there was FARK for world news and perspectives. I got a lot of my views. In fact Fark was once a shock site where it had a squirrel with huge junk plastered on the page.
Websites were absolutely awful to look at. Everyone always makes fun of the Dancing Baby and Breakdancing Stickman but fuck if every site didnt use them. Kek I remember spending weeks in AOL chat because this hot girl showed nudes at our Highschool in one of the forums and one of my friends was desperate for it. You also used to get a new AOL CD like every month, I knew people who turned them into jewelry or wall hangings.

I loved ut99 :(