Are women retarded?

Are women retarded?

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No, men. They created the system where you need two incomes to be middle class.

Men? More like ((men))

Digits say you’re both right

This, I'm letting my gf keep her good job until we have kids

Husband beats you. - Bitch be nicer.
Boss beats you. - Time to get paid and live the rest of your life on an island.

(((They))) are not Men. What (((they))) did is straight up satanic

The (((capitalists))) like (((George Soros))) and (((Larry Fink)))?

Men were drunk and violent rapists who cheted with other (raped) women. No wonder women didn't want to be around them. We need prohibition back.

What guarantees that the husband loves her?

There is nothing women despise more than love.

Men did not create that system. Women caused it

Labor is supply and demand. If you double supply then you halve demand. The amount of demand for labor translates into wages. So by bringing women into the workforce you halve wages and this requires two incomes to survive when previously one would have been sufficient

They bought the lie about working because they're foolish egotistical people. So they sold wage slavery as liberating and staying at home to raise a family as suffocating. This allowed them to deflate wages and to further control the labor market so they could pay their employees less while they profit more. They do the same with immigrants

Corporations don't care about women or immigrants. They do care about what those groups will do to the labor pool in an industry.

The less competition in a field the better the pay

Yes, when jews wanted to shit over the USA they allowed them and other idiots to vote.

> Employeers
> Hating women.
All employers only like women. That is why they get hired 5 times more then men and get the most call backs.

How do you still have to ask this despite being on pol?
In fact, I would go as far as to say the vast majority of humans are retarded.

And those cunts do nothing to deserve it too, I was at a store and the first thing I saw was a cunt at the cash checking her phone, then there was a negress employee sitting across from her on the stairs checking her phone too, and the boss couldn't give a fuck.

feminism is a mind virus

Attached: Chesterton feminism.jpg (850x400, 80.69K)

>employers only like women.
Because they work for less. Same reason they like illegals.

You shouldn't be competing with women and elderly people for a spot in the workforce. Come home, white man.

no husband loves his wife, they all end up becoming abusive and despicable, eat shit


Oh come the fuck on, that's the equivalent of saying all women are whores.