Holocaust redpills

Something funny I've just seen in pic rel.
So they're looking for human remains or even the foundations of buildings at this former "extermination camp" where supposedly 700,000 to 900,000 people died and come across absolutely nothing.
About halfway through they start finding fossilised shark teeth and sea shells in one of the pits they're digging, and instead of realising that the soil has literally been undisturbed for millions of years since Poland was underwater, these geniuses conclude that the Nazi's must have carted probably thousands of tonnes of sand from a nearby quarry to cover the mass graves and remains of gas chambers after destroying the site before abandoning it as the soviets advanced. They have no evidence of this other than as a way to explain the sea life they're finding before human bones.

At another point, they dig up a handful of bones in the woods an undisclosed distance south of the labour camps (which is itself a mile south of the death camp), talking about how this is evidence of a mass grave at that location, only for the next shot to show an old Christian gravestone with moss growing on it in the background. So they're literally digging up a graveyard.

It's a good laugh, would recommend.

post other funny holocaust shit

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I forgot who, but some guy on bitchute had a whole documentary on Treblinka and how there's no mass grave nearby or anything like that. I think it was Eric Hunt or something, his first name was definitely Eric, he did a bang up job.


I'd bet part it's at least partially Jews who know that it's a lie, another part people who just can't register in their head that 6 million isn't accurate, and a small amount of people that realized that it's likely that this shit didn't go down like how people say it did. Does anyone know of any sort of documentary where you get to see a person get redpilled as we watch?

Here: bitchute.com/video/5fw2k7P6TrgB/

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Yeah, that's it. Great times, simple too. One of the best redpills out there.

So, while they uncover this they simultaneously claim that it's not what it seems and that da holocost is still 4 real?

they do lots of mental gymnastic to justify what they're finding being consistent with a death camp.

But it's all in the movie, for the audience to watch and laugh at?
And they released the movie? Are they that stupid?

yes well after it originally aired it's hard to find a version of the doc anywhere, so presumably they realised it made them look retarded at some point.

my favorite thing about treblinka is the fact there are literal pictures of the mountains of human remains

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God I wish I had that job. I'd come into work early and leave late every day. The awful stench would just remind me of dead Jews.

>we couldnt find human remains at treblinka

Attached: 2560px-Treblinka_death_camp_summer_1945_03.jpg (2559x1810, 2.57M)

>bomb crater at treblinka
>earth spews out human remains

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>what if we just dug around the area where witnesses say there was an extermination camp and find

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Treblinka is surrounded by forest.

>what if , after building a military installation in the middle of the polish forest for exterminating hundreds of thousands of jews
>we just plow over the entire thing and cover it with sand instead of using the base for something else

hmmm nazis were smart

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What could Nazis even gain from hiding it? Why all this effort? For leniency?

not really no

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Huh, cool. Reminds me of the American South West.

Just not that picture I guess

look closer

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So what’s your excuse for why they can’t find proof for all this in the modern day?

Yeah convincing stuff.

Well I'm fucking convinced

every time they dig at these sites they find massive amounts of ash mixed with human remains

At madjenek they literally have a mountain of it you can visit

Sobibor has the same type of "mountain" but its covered over with grass

the "nobody has found human remains" thing is retarded because holocaust deniers expect multiple acres of human bodies to be pulled out of the ground when the reality is its going to be a bony ash layer

There are tons of pictures of these remains from the 1940s but you cannot "see" anything in said remains so its not the scary shock image holocaust deniers want

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this is what the soil looks like when you dig into it at these death camps.

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Didn't realize he was backing up his cozy livestreams. Episode 17, Spooky episode, he goes through a list of all their holocaust lies. Rolling crematoriums with a bone grinding machine rolling in tandem then using the bone meal to patch roads. Forcing hundreds of jews to clime trees then chopping the tree down forcing them to fall to death. Wading through a meter of blood from all the dead jews.

Thats the most laughable of supposed death camps.

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Not to mention that the people who published these photos are almost certainly the NKVD.
Knowing how they blamed the Katyn Woods massacre on the Germans and all the other shit they fabricated for Nuremburg, it wouldn’t surprise me if they snapped photos of one of their own mass graves and then went

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Oh so now you want to talk about the farce that was sobibor?

>be nazi germany
>have massive 100k+ labor camp that only does labor camp things
>before soviets arrive dynamite and bulldoze only 4 buildings out of dozens

Anybody know why the germans only tore down 4 buildings at auschwitz?

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hey bro I'm not saying it didn't happen (I am) but if you are going to try and convince people that it did, these photos aren't it chief.

Ive seen this, i remember they found a few tiles and concluded it was part of a jewish bath house nazis built to trick them into the gas chambers. Worst documentary of all time. Idk why they released it

Anyone know why the soviets built a chimney not attached to the building at auschwitz 1?

yet its the most objectively graphic find for the allies because it was the furthest east and the germans were unprepared for the arrival of soviets following operation bagration.

Germans didnt have time to cover it up. Piles of human remains literally everywhere.

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anybody know why a chimney at a different camp is relevant to auschwitz 2?

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They didn't even have time to remove some skeletons?

>yet its the most objectively graphic find
Its the most easy to see where the soviets knocked holes in the walls to claim this of that was a gas chamber. You seem to be confused into thinking every kike dead of typhus or something was gassed in a death camp.

no lol

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Its relevant because its evidence of crime scene tampering by the soviets.

God I fucking hate photo ownership. Alamy and shutterstock deserve a holocaust.

Why did the soviets build a disconnected smoke stack that didn’t exist before they captured it at the supposed crematorium?
On that note why are the “death camps” only in locations captured by the Red Army?

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Thread needs some comedy. Here's a classic.

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