
Was anyone else taught that Hitler was going to kill anyone without blue eyes or blonde hair?

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many many people were. I was also told he executed christians and hated religion in general.

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Ya, everyone when I was in second grade. They made everyone with blonde hair and blue eyes stand up, gave us some candy, and told the others that this was literally hortler.
Don't worry, everyone got candy at the end:).

Yep, I was told that the SS went door to door checking child pictures to see if they had blonde hair and blue eyes or else they'd kill them. Extra funny since the photos would have been monochrome.

That's not entirely false
National Socialism in in direct opposition to christkikery. Hitler wanted to phase it out eventually.

i think about how jews are allowed an ethnostate but the rest of the world has to be diverse
what are your thoughts about that op?


The funny thing is he had blue eyes and dark brown hair
one of his personal adjutants have said that the portrait in pic related was the most akin to his real coloring

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Winners will shit on the losers grave, besides, it was pretty convinient to create an enemy that doesnt exist, you know, you do something people doesnt like? you are a nazi, you dare say the truth? you are a nazi, you believe in basic biology? you are nazi, you dare to disagree? you are a nazi, etc. etc. its like the free hate card you use when you are a moralist faggot

Isn't it odd this Nazi obsession with blonde and blue eyed people originated with jewish proto-nazis?

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It's funny how even normalfags acknowledge the whole "history is written by the victors" thing yet think everything they've ever learned about nazi Germany is 100% fact

All we were taught is that his moustache granted him magical powers

I had the teacher do the thing in 9th grade where they made all the blonde kids stand up and then shamed us by saying in hitlers Germany we’d be the only ones left alive. Jokes on that dumb bitch though because, as I was quick to point out, I was a half jew so what the fuck was she talking about


>as I was quick to point out, I was a half jew so what the fuck was she talking about
If you were a full jew you'd have had your parents sue the district.

What's the source on that? See i never like shit like this, this is what i think is too far. Just not me.

> giving poison... I mean sugar to the blonds to make them think it's a reward for their superficial traits
> also teaching hitler bad
> DaQ to the rest of Europe

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In no way is it in direct opposition, Hitler incorporetad most of the christian values into national socialism.

>Hitler wanted to phase it out eventually.
Source? I've only ever seen that claimed from post-war hearsay.

Bingo. Most people are sheep.

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Is this all a meme, right?

yes they taught us that hitler was as intolerant as your average Any Forums poster where no one would be white enough and we'd all be gassed

That’s funny. I hope you pointed it out to the dumb cunt and your parents got the whore fired.


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I was told that in school. When I studied more about the Nazis and Hitler, I discovered that to be false. Hitler just hated Jews, Gypsies, gays (everyone did at that time), and commies (they were against his form of socialism). He was pretty normal for a person of that time period.

Your picture is funny


Everyone in Europe still hates gypsies.

the rise and fall of the third reich: a history of nazi germany