Are people really getting their kids vaxxed

For Covid? Vaxxies fucking explain yourselves. Covid since the very beginning of the pandemic to now has never posed any danger to infants, toddlers, or children. What is the rationale here?

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I feel bad for these kids who will grow up to be hypochondriac, pussies.

>who will grow up
woah, hold your horses, cowboy

>thinking they’ll grow up at all
Ever the optimist

The kicker is her baby ended up getting Covid twice post vaccines both times badly enough that she had to go to the ER. Weird that didn’t happen to unvaxxed babies.

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Father to 2 boys under 2 years here. Will never vax them against covid.

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baby formula

It's almost like women are stupid and shouldn't be allowed to make major decisions without a man's approval


What a fucking faggot
The what fuck is going on? Why? To force vaxxed mothers to breastfeed?

poor kid will now get monkey pox from his faggot dad

I have 4 and have never received a single vaccine even though the docs attempt to bully during birth.

I hope her baby explodes. Stupid crap cow. Munchausen’s mania cunt. A Dr who doesn’t know that masks are useless vs corona viruses? She will raise a monster. It’s for the best if the baby just spontaneously explodes and takes out her womb so that she can’t do it all again to some other unfortunate victim.

>I have 4 and have never received a single vaccine
I was about to say
>"damn, this toddler is a genius"
but I remembered you say
>I am
Anyways, well done, user. Blessed are your kids, for they have an inteligent, based father

is it down?
doesn't work anymore ??

Idk it was a truck driver filming a crew destroying a ton of pallets of baby formula she just dropped off asking what the fuck they were doing.

It's literally genocide via politics. The world will never be free of murderers, psychopaths, and sociopaths. They'll just become more sophisticated in the way the pull off mass murder. Anthony Fauci is one such individual. When that mother fucker dies I'm gonna go take a fat hairy shit on his grave and then piss on his grave stone.

I really really really hope my nephew and cousin didn't get vaxxed, I'm counting on the nutjob parents to not clot them but you know how crazy people became.

It's as if? No, you hit the nail on the head, they shouldn't. They lack foresight and are easily persuadable. They make decisions based on what their friends are doing rather then objective or critical thought. When they get into their private little herds they are ridiculously fucking stupid.

This has to be a troll account. No one is actually this stupid and writes about it

You are very optimistic about mutts

Wearing a mask tells me everything I need to know about a person.

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No it’s real. I think she works for NASA I’m not even joking