I know how to solve Inflation

It's actually quite simple.
Inflation is caused by more and more money being printed/minted and entering an economic market right? The more physical money is in a system the more inflation occurs and the value of the dollar goes down. It's only going to go up as a population goes up.
But what if...we had a force to make it go down. Take physical money OUT of an economic system and therefore make the value of a dollar go up.

In short we need a way for people to actually DESTROY money. Smelt it down or otherwise destroy it's legitimacy to buy good's and services at a higher rate than the money being entered. Do that and the remaining currency will have more value.

The true cause of inflation is greed and self interest, only by being selfless can the problem be reversed.

Attached: burn it all.jpg (640x360, 14.67K)

Raising interest rates takes money out of the economy…you don’t need to physically burn it or melt it down dummy.

Unfortunately most of it is digital. We can destroy physical assets though, but doing so to precious metals would be counterproductive.

Make money out of food. The value will never go down. Inflation? Where do I put all this food?

Have you seen how valuable food is getting? Grocery prices are fucking skyrocketing. What do you think of that?

I want to constructively burn things bro, not businesses.

This is how you destroy the Jew.

Attached: socialism2022.jpg (1000x653, 102.09K)

It proves my point. Now take paper money out of the equation and get the government to do all business with food instead of the dollar.

In 1957, 75% of US Jews were white-collar workers, compared to 35% of all white people in the US; in 1970, 87% of Jewish men worked in clerical jobs, compared to 42% of all white people, and the Jews earned 72% more than the general average.

>"socialism corruption" by definition cannot exist

isnt destroying american currency a crime?

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The movie industry was created from scratch in the 1930s, and the Jews basically took over it. To this day there are many Jewish names in the top echelon of Hollywood and the television networks. Later on, they took high-tech by storm too – another new industry requiring learning abilities.

Most of the dollars in circulation aren't physical notes, they're electronic data in a computer. They can't be "destroyed" although when they are sold to purchase goods and services or other currencies, this pushes the dollar down.

Also, most dollars aren't even in the US, they're "eurodollars" held in foreign banks.

It's true that before electronic transactions were a thing, central banks could destroy physical currency by literally burning or shredding banknotes and breaking printing presses and so cause a deflation in the money supply. The revolutionary government in France did this after a bout of hyperinflation in the 1790s, with mixed results. Ultimately, inflation was only beaten with the end of fiat currency and the return of the gold ecu. This was one of Napoleon's first and post popular actions as France's ruler.

Attached: la nation recompense le dononciateur.jpg (800x800, 195.85K)

It's called crypto.

Federal reserve notes do not belong to the United States


No billionaires to own everything. No rich to own companies. Buy up everything. Set prices.

None of that exists under Socialism. Therefore is is anti-corrupt by definition. The remedy for the inherent corruption of Capitalism IS Socialism you fucking retard. We decide what we do with our GDP. Nobody tells you what to do. Nobody is above you.

>Raising interest rates takes money out of the economy
How does demanding more money for things stop money from being in an economic system? It doesn't all you're doing is pushing things around in greater quantities. Value of the dollar is not synonymous with physical dollars and inflation is proof of that.

Digital money is still physical, it's just a group of electrons on a circuit board somewhere. Find and destroy that data and you accomplish the same as burning a .dollar bill.

As the Holocaust becomes more distant, the fear for Israel's existence drops. In addition, Israel is no longer perceived as a poor country. And the Americans have their own problems: The financial crisis and education in the US, which is becoming more and more expensive. The donations to Jewish Foundations will gradually drop, and may eventually disappear.

its already been solved chud hail to the chief

Attached: clap.jpg (1275x718, 165.96K)

I read your post 3 times and still have absolutely no idea what you are saying or asking or how it has anything to do with what I said.

The Jews fan the flames of White Supremacy. Its the Jews. We can never forget the Holocaust in their minds. The threat of nazism must ALWAYS be kept alive.

The Jews shill for Hitler harder than any other religious group. The NEED Hitler like bankers need depositors.

It isn't left vs right, Neanderfucks. It's the Jews.

As a russian immigrant, I love that the only ones that are spewing this bullshit are the sheltered americans who never traveled outside the country and never saw the impact the socialism actually has on a society. Never hear this shit outside of US
Please continue, people need to hear your voice and your talking points

>learn a trade or skill
>build network of other skilled people and resource owners
there's your parallel economy bro. easier said than done but bartering and exchanging services is the closest you'll get. some sort of tender for indirect trades is ideal but the person with the most "new currency" will start the problem all over again.
if you could measure work in energy and trade notes in denominations of kilojoules, that could work lol but would be hard to measure wisdom/resources in energy.
inb4 abhorrent leaf post.

I know how it all falls down
People start withdrawing their money from the banks

hose belong to?

>No billionaires to own everything
No no, just the goberment employees and el presidente.
Kys zigger faggot.