Explain why I shouldn't fuck gooks, latinas, and femboys

Explain why I shouldn't fuck gooks, latinas, and femboys.

>hurr don't racemix or be a degenerate faggot

I'm 5'10 and white women are now obsessed with muh height, they spend time having casual sex with the same 6'4 white men, dyking out, or racemixing until they hit their 30s. I have a pretty handsome face and can't even get laid with white women because I am under 6', and if you're a white man that's all they seem to care about now. It wasn't like this 10 years ago, they have become crazy. You would have to be absolutely INSANE to think I would willingly become an incel. I'll get that femboy cock out of my mouth and my fingers out of the bugwoman pussy the second white women start paying attention to 5'10 white men again and aren't all orbiting the same lanky 6'5 freaks for a one night stand. They don't want kids either, and if you do they want you to be a millionaire with a paid-off mortgage in the best school district in the state before they even consider it.


LOL. White women are crazy. I'm not going to be a sexless incel without human touch looking for 30+ white roasties that got blown out by 6 million Chads. Yeah we all want a blonde white wife who will give us 10 Aryan children. Our grandparents had that. White women are the reason it's just not happening, quit blaming the victim of all this, which is white men.

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I'm actually handsome, but I may as well look like that to white women because I'm under 6'.

This is not /r9k. Fuck you Incel

It's very politically related, stupid spic. The sexual dynamics of modern society and its implications on men is highly political.

You’re not wrong. Women have gone mad with the height thing in the past couple years.

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"I'm a loser and can't get laid, everyone are more attractive than me so I blame on races and women, obviously THIS is political, we need fascist laws in order to give me SEX!!"

What a fucking loser KYS fucker

>be manlet with defective genetics
>breed brown people who are even shorter and have even more defective genetics
>offspring are now shorter, browner, and dumber
wow op you sure gamed the system with this one

They're not more attractive than me. I have good looks and a big dick. Chad is just taller than me, which is all that matters to white women.

its not past couple of years. women always wanted height, its just that now dating apps/social media gives them the ability to go after only taller men

Again, go to /r9k or /soc, you can express all of your insecurities and fears there, even share your face or pics of your pathetic dick. In /pol everyone will say you that women are stupid and chad niggers steal them. Just bullshit

Really stop being a weak mutt or better KYS. I can't believe the US Is filled of such weak pathetic cowards

nah, it was a bonus to have but face was much more important, it wasn't an obsession like now

either way hoeflation is real. its difficult to find women who will get with a shorter average guy like me. its gotten to the point where im considering going monk mode

>fuck gooks, latinas, and femboys.
Well it sounds like you’re already a faggot so do as you please. Just don’t create more little non white manlet incels like you

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If you're handsome you should be fine.

I'm only 5'4"

STOP trying to date American women you fucking idiots.

People only go to Mexico and South America for boypussy and drugs, stop acting like you faggots have anything worthwhile

You have never made eye contact with a woman

Just sextouristmaxx

Women have ALWAYS been obsessed with height. The only reason why it wasn't as relevant in the past is because people more commonly dated among their circle of friends and once the tallest, chaddest guys were taken, they'd have to settle for who was left. Urban lifestyles already changed that, since women could go out and meet new men every weekend by going clubbing. Dating apps did the rest since women now had fresh Chads available at their fingertips every day. This is also the primary reason of the birth rate crisis faced by pretty much any developed country among the middle class. Women are no longer willing to settle with any guy since a better one could show up tomorrow. That's the underlying reason for the cock carrousel - they're biologically driven to only mate with the top tier guys, but when there could always be new top tier guys they're in a permanent state of FOMO. The female sexual brain, which developed under stone age conditions, is in an evolutionary mismatch with the modern world.

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I’ve got a 6’4” white friend from Germany, tatted, and extremely good looking. When I go out with this guy it’s almost ridiculous (it’s always been in countries outside of Germany). He’s one of my best friends, and he’s a cool ass dude.

HOT Girls will come up and approach him, sometimes fight for him (i’ve literally seen other girls come and sit on his lap while he’s talking to one girl), I’ve seen girls grab his arm and drag him to their friends, and I’ve been out with him where almost every girl will be staring him down and not looking at anyone else.

Ironically enough, he’s 24 and only slept with only 3 girls. He’s made out with a few and has had some girls in his bed a few times, but he’s horrible at closing (however he’s getting better especially now with some help).

Meanwhile I’m sitting here with 80+ lays and I never have that shit happen to me. I’m also 28, so I do have 4 years on him. Obviously if he got better at game, he’d be closing left and right.

So obviously his fundamentals are phenomenal- he’s got both good looking (naturally) and sexy (learned) down to a fucking pat.

I’d say I’m above average looking base-line, but is it possible to ever get my fundamentals to a level where I could be at the same level (or higher) than this guy? To where I get that same effect of girls practically pulling me in, telling me straight up that they want to fuck me without really any effort, competing for me super obviously? I’m a 5’10” brown guy. I’ve had not so attractive (and at best somewhat cute) girls approach me meekly only, but never more. Obviously looks matter, but so many other things matter more (hence me having more lays by far). Fundamentals play a big role though- has anyone here gotten the kind of results my friend is getting by levelling up their fundementals? If so, what was your baseline? Does it matter? I’m hyper competitive so I’d love some answers here lol


Men with handsome faces slayed more and primitive cultures aren’t generally obsessed with it.