Xi told Biden that china wasn’t looking for war

China only pretended to be retarded, they never actually wanted war. What a way to pussy out.

Israelxi bent the knee. China got cucked by pelosi, Taiwan, and now Biden.
>Chinese century
>Mandate of heaven

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Were you expecting him to announce that he's he does indeed want war

inb4 the coping euromutts arrive to defend the great savior of the white race, china

reminder, chinese cities at night only look flashy and cool because of the lights

but in the day time it's an ugly shithole:

remember to look up videos by peter zeihan because he talk about the specifics of how they will collapse. and the chinese are a mutt race that don't exist anymore

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The US is fucking collapsing and China is holding all the cards. Why the flying fuck would they want to go to war?

>Own 3 trillion dollars in US reserves
>Retarded mutt media, poo media and pol fear monger about "muh invasion!"
No shit they weren't going to invade. Fuck are you retards brainwashed.

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im dying lmfaoo
is this persecution complex
it is right?


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>holding all the cards
my dude, you seriously have no clue at all. Like you don't know a single goddamn thing about China. You don't have two chopsticks to rub together. Don't pretend otherwise.

To the rest of you anons, you know how this news went down in China?
CCP: If Pelosi goes we'll shoot down her plane.
>Pelosi goes
Chinese Internet: So are we at war now?
CCP: What? No! That's insane. Why would you think that?
Chinese Internet: Because you said this was a big deal?
CCP: You... seriously believed us? You were dumb enough to believe our propaganda? Where have you been? Nobody has believed anything we published in the past 40 years! We just do that to fill the airwaves with noise so you cant figure out what's actually going on.
Chinese Internet: You... literally admitted this? Publicly? That's your official statement?!
CCP: Yes.
Chinese Internet: ... why haven't we killed you yet?
CCP: Because of the gun ban.

The original whites doesn’t exist anymore. You’re all mutts.

The US does have a lot of problems and has too much corruption to deal with both the politicians lying and selling out America to foreign countries who have violent hostile beliefs and the hellscape policies that pass to make tech companies happy. They even have safe havens in other countries so they can escape to some half billion dollar mansion on land they probably used US military equipment to bomb someone with to obtain.
China also has many problems, they have contracts and deals they made with traitors in the name of the US with bought off politicians. Now everyone is tied together in same web of corruption the world order is built on. >globalism
So technically it's not like China is holding the card

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>Nobody: ..
>Taiwan media:

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>moggong the nationalist chinaman in public
Based, I'll do my part.

>be Xi
Guess Jews will have to try harder

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That dumb chink won't announce to the US media when they plan on attacking the US.

Why does Xi look like a walking corpse?

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This fembiy build for BWC

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".

It’s all planned
The leaders want war… well their masters want war…. Fear, Agony, Death upon billions
So they present a solid story to the masses when it was all really just engineered behind a curtain

Anyone still playing this game it’s too fucking late
The line was drawn a long time ago
At the Dawn of Time

I read that as: "We didn't want war... but...."

America is the best country in the world still, and will will crush china just like we crushed germany, russia and japan in the past, so kill yourself chink.